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teaching [2017/08/14 12:58]
teaching [2021/02/21 05:16] (current)
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 This page contains information about various talks, courses, and tutorials I have delivered.  This page contains information about various talks, courses, and tutorials I have delivered. 
 +  * **21 Feb. 2021:** [[courses:sp21:e9-203:index|E9 203: Compressive Sensing and Sparse Signal Processing]]
 +  * **01 Sep. 2020:** [[courses:f20:e2-212:index|E2 212: Matrix Theory]]
 +  * **02 Jan. 2020:** [[courses:sp20:e9-203:index|E9 203: Compressive Sensing and Sparse Signal Processing]]
 +  * **11 Aug. 2019:** [[courses:f19:e2-212:index|E2 212: Matrix Theory]]
   * **18 Aug. 2017:** There have been many talks that I haven't updated on this page, but here is one that is getting some "limelight". I will be delivering a talk at the IEEE 5G summit. One can register for live-streaming of the lectures [[http://estv.in/ieee5gbhubaneswar|here]]. The program is available [[http://29gisfi-ieee5g.soauniversity.ac.in/program/|here]].   * **18 Aug. 2017:** There have been many talks that I haven't updated on this page, but here is one that is getting some "limelight". I will be delivering a talk at the IEEE 5G summit. One can register for live-streaming of the lectures [[http://estv.in/ieee5gbhubaneswar|here]]. The program is available [[http://29gisfi-ieee5g.soauniversity.ac.in/program/|here]].
   * **Aug. - Dec. 2015:** [[courses:fa15:e2-312:index|E2-212: Random Matrix Theory for Wireless Communications]]   * **Aug. - Dec. 2015:** [[courses:fa15:e2-312:index|E2-212: Random Matrix Theory for Wireless Communications]]

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