Speaker: Dr. D Meena

Affiliation: Senior scientist, Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore

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Talk Timings: 11 AM, August 21, 2021 (Saturday)


The advancements in Optical techniques and Microwave Photonics (MWP) have transformed the usage of fiber links and photonic components in various applications with Radio frequency (RF) signals. The transformation towards the optical domain helps in providing a low loss, less weight and EMI immune solutions. MWP is the branch, which combines the worlds of RF engineering and Photonics. It is the study of high-speed photonics devices operating at microwave or millimeter wave frequencies and their use in mm wave or photonic systems. Latest progress in MWP helps to generate microwave frequencies up to mm Wave range directly with high precision. Even the distribution of these signals, detection of the RF signals and related processing can be achieved through photonics techniques. The scope of the talk will be limited to the functionalities that can be adapted for various defence applications specifically to radars in general.  

Though advances are made in RF components, systems  and digital control  electronics, due  to  the  fundamental  limitations of  the architecture, the  systems are still bulky  with  heavy  RF  and  thermal  signature. Moreover, currently radars are evolving with more stringent requirements due to increase in the threat scenarios. This demands the need of having a single radar system capable of operating in more than one band and can perform multi-functions like target detection, identification, tracking and discrimination on a large number of targets in real time. To achieve this, the systems should be supported with specific features like waveform flexibility, carrier frequency flexibility, superior phase noise stability, higher resolution, adaptable to environments etc. In this scenario, MWP solution with reduced noise, frequency–independent propagation link loss, immunity to electromagnetic waves and high capacity for broadband signals, makes it a choice of high priority in Defense applications. 


Dr D. Meena is currently working as a senior scientist at Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore, and is leading Photonics related development activities at LRDE. She obtained graduation in ECE from NIT, Calicut Kerala and doctoral degree from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. She also holds an MBA degree from Bharathidasan University. She started her carrier with L & T Pvt Ltd and moved on to teaching profession, served for 4 years and joined DRDO in 1996. She worked at various   DRDO labs, viz., NPOL Cochin, CASSA Bangalore. Received awards both at lab level and national level; National Technology award in 2013 for the development of new patented technology; Digital Beamforming Technology for Radars, Agni award for excellence in self-reliance in 2015, Technology group award in 2017 for her various contributions. She is a senior member of IEEE Photonics Society and reviewer for few of the leading journals like Elsevier, SPIE and PIER journals. Her research interests include Phased array radar systems and Microwave photonics.