Women in Engineering-Events, Bangalore section:
"Ottige kaliyona" a flagship program was designed, this program aims to empower students of Government Schools with many life and technical skills.
" Helped in editing and compiling ottige kaliyona contents for news letter"
" Helped in conducting 2 SIMPLE programs at IISc and helped eligble members to apply for senior grade membership."
"Visited Ballari Institute of Technology and Management", "Balancing family and Profession", Bellary on 8th March for Women's Day.
"Faculty Development Program: The Data Science, The new Black. on 3rd Aug 2019, key note on AI & Application, Christ Academy Institute of Higher Studies.<
"Engineers Day on 19th sept 2019,: Electrical Inspectorate Engineers Association of Karnataka at Nayana Bhavan, " Greatness of Sir MV and Future of Engineering Students"
"Drone Conclave 2019 on 28th September, keynote on AI and data processing
at ITI Vinyas, Doorvaninagar.
"General Co-Chair WIECON-ECE 2019", conference committee on 14th and 15th Nov 2019 at Sterlings Mac Hotel, Bangalore, International Leadership Summit (ILS 2019)
"Key Note speaker on Impact of AI on Humanity, in WIECON-ECE 2019 conference committee on 14th and 15th Nov 2019 at Sterlings Mac Hotel, Bangalore
" Chairing in one of the sessions at WIECON-ECE 2019 conference"
" Serving as Branch Counsellor for IEEE IISc Student Branch"
" Faculty advisor for IEEE IISc Student branch, Women In Science & Engineering group"
" Inauguration IEEE-IISc Student Branch, Women In Science & Engineering, Affinity group on 17th Jan 2020"
"WIE Execom office bearer during 2018 and 2019 "
IEEE WIE Affinity group and Amrita School of Engineering, Women's day celebration. : Talk on "Collaborative Intelligence-Next Generation Systems on March 7th 2020.
IEEE WIE Affinity group Webinar Series on May 8th 2020, Talk on "Introduction to Edge Analytics".