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-Presentations+====Presentations from 2014==== 
 +^Date         ^       Presentation Topic                                        ^Presenter   ^File (.pdf) 
 +|04/01/2014      |Deterministic channels: whiteboard presentation|Nanda| 
 +|11/01/2014      |{{cartography_geethu_oct_2013.pdf|Greedy algorithms for spectrum cartography}}|Geethu| 
 +|25/01/2014      |{{mishfad_presentation_jan_24.pdf|Spatial Modulation with Finite Rate Channel State Feedback}}|Mishfad| 
 +|08/02/2014      |{{eh_ec_08feb_2014_3.pdf|Effective capacity}}|Mohit| 
 +|15/02/2014      |{{secrecy_GIC.pdf|The Role of Limited Transmitter Cooperation in Interference Channel with Secret Messages}}|Parthajit| 
 +|08/03/2014      |A PMU Scheduling Scheme for Transmission of Synchrophasor Data in Electric Power Systems|Nanda| 
 +|15/03/2014      |{{Ordinary Kriging.pdf|Interference Modeling simulator}}|Raksha, Karthik, Abhijit| 
 +|22/03/2014      |{{Cluster_sparse_chesti.pdf|SBL for Cluster-sparse Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems}}|Ranjitha| 
 +|05/04/2014      |{{ Uplink_Stochastic_ModelPrashant.pdf |Coverage Analysis and Training Optimization for Uplink Cellular Networks with Practical Channel Estimation}}|Prashant| 
 +|12/04/2014      |{{ admm_overview.pdf |An overview of Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm}}|Saurabh| 
 +|26/04/2014      |Differential Privacy (Board Presentation)|Bharath| 
 +|31/05/2014      |{{hmm.pdf|Hidden Markov Models}}|Venu| 
 +|07/06/2014      |{{big_data_talk_chandra_murthy_slim.pdf|Role of Sparse Signal Recovery in Big Data Analytics (Note: This is actually a .pptx file. After downloading, change the extension to .pptx, and you should be good to go!)}}|Chandra| 
 +|14/06/2014      |{{Spectrum_Cartography_Geethu.pdf|Spectrum Cartography under Spatially Correlated Shadowing}}|Geethu| 
 +|21/06/2014      |Spatial Modulation with Finite-Rate Channel State Feedback|Mishfad| 
 +|28/06/2014      |Interference Modeling simulator|Raksha, Karthik and Abhijith| 
 +|05/07/2014      |Basics of Spectral graph theory and their connections to Graph Constrained Group testing| Abhay| 
 +|12/07/2014      |{{sh_compre_exam_15072014_1.pdf|Design & Analysis of Energy Harvesting Communication System}}|Mohit| 
 +|02/08/2014      |Power Allocation in Energy Harvesting Sensors with ARQ: A Convex Optimization Approach|Adithya| 
 +|09/08/2014      |{{alg_fnds_pres.pdf|Finding Healthy Individuals in a Large Population: Algorithms and Bounds}}|Abhay| 
 +|16/08/2014      |{{secret_key_agreement.pdf|From Shannon's cipher system to secret key agreement}}|Parthajit| 
 +|23/08/2014      |Half duplex or full duplex relaying? Capacity analysis under self interference|Nirmal| 
 +|30/08/2014      |{{satyanarayana_spatial_modulation_vstransmit_antenna_selection.pdf|Spatial Modulation vs Transmit Antenna Selection}}|Satyanarayana| 
 +|06/09/2014      |Distributed differential privacy and minimax rate|Bharath| 
 +|13/09/2014      |A New View of Automatic Relevance Determination|Ranjitha| 
 +|20/09/2014      |{{LocalizationUsingBeaconNodes.pdf|Target Localization using Beacon Nodes: A Group Testing Perspective}}|Venu| 
 +|27/09/2014      |{{vinnu_d2d.pdf|Route Discovery and Power Allocation in D2D communications}}|Vinnu| 
 +|15/11/2014      |{{15112014_multihop.pdf|Transmission Policies for Outage Minimization in Energy Harvesting Multi-hop Links}}|Mohit|

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