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pres2015 [2016/01/13 10:47]
spclab [Journal watch]
pres2015 [2016/02/24 07:05] (current)
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-======Signal Processing for Communications Lab====== 
-=====Dept. of ECE, IISc===== 
-This is an internal page, that we can use for sharing information, presentations, etc. It would be great if we could use this to log the presentations and journal watch information instead of the google doc that we are currently maintaining. 
-**Meeting schedule:** Click [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj27tx2yYQI5dGNQdmJGeTluaC1VSFNxeVgxaERGQUE|here]]. 
-===== Useful Links ===== 
-  * Information about the [[NasBox|NAS box]]. Update on 02 Sep. 2015. We are no longer using the NAS box (as far as I know!). You are responsible for backing up your own data! 
-  * Links for useful information on [[writing_research_papers#writing_research_papers|writing research papers]], [[writing_research_papers#giving_wonderful_talks|giving great talks]], [[writing_research_papers#good_coding_practices|writing good code]], [[writing_research_papers&#latex_tutorials|LaTeX tutorials]]. 
-===== Saturday Lab-meet ===== 
-==== Journal watch ==== 
-^Date         ^Journal                                                     ^Presenter   ^ 
-|03/02/2015     |{{:JW_TranSPJan03_2015_Abhay.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 03 Jan. 2015}}|Abhay| 
-|10/01/2015     |{{:jw_tsp_jan2015_chandra.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Jan. 2015}}|Chandra| 
-|17/01/2015     |{{:TSP_01Feb_15_Geethu.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 Feb. 2015}}|Geethu| 
-|31/01/2015     |{{:JW_TWC_Nov_2014.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, 30 Nov. 2014}}|Mohit| 
-|07/02/2015     |{{:Karthik_TWC_Feb_7.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, Jan. 2015}}|Karthik| 
-|14/02/2015     |{{:TWC_Feb_issue2_Satya.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, Feb. 2015}}|K. Satyanarayana| 
-|07/03/2015     |{{:JL_TSP_15Feb2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 15 Feb. 2015}}|Saurabh| 
-|14/03/2015     |{{:JW_TWC_march_vinnu.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Mar. 2015}}|Vinnu| 
-|28/03/2015     |{{:vinuthna_JW_TSP_Mar29.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Mar 1. 2015}}|Vinuthna| 
-|04/04/2015     |{{:jw_tcom_mar_2015_crm.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Communications, Mar. 2015}}|Chandra| 
-|18/04/2015     |{{:TSP_May_15_Geethu.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, May. 2015}}|Geethu| 
-|02/05/2015     |{{:Karthik_TWC_May_2.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Apr. 2015}}|Karthik| 
-|09/05/2015     |{{:jw_tc_apr2015_mohit.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Communications, Apr. 2015}}|Mohit| 
-|04/07/2015     |{{:JW_TSP_June15_2015_Monika.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, June. 2015}}|Monika| 
-|11/07/2015     |{{:JW_TWC_May_2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, May. 2015}}|Mohit| 
-|18/07/2015     |{{:JL_TSP_1July2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 1 July. 2015}}|Saurabh| 
-|01/08/2015     |{{:tsp_sep_2015_crm.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 Sep. and 15 July 2015}}|Chandra| 
-|08/08/2015     |{{:tsp_aug15_2015_chethan.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 15th Aug. and TWC July 2015}}|Chethan| 
-|15/08/2015     |{{:TSP_01_Sept_15_Geethu.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 Sep. 2015}}|Geethu| 
-|22/08/2015     |{{:JW_TWC_July01_2015_Monika.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 01 July. 2015}}|Monika| 
-|29/08/2015     |{{:jw_twc_aug_2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 01 August. 2015}}|Mohit| 
-|05/09/2015     |{{:journal_watch_tsp_9_15_2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing September 15,2015}}|Ribhu| 
-|12/09/2015     |{{:TVT_Aug_2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology August 2015}}|Sai Thoota| 
-|19/09/2015     |{{:JL_TSP_19Sept2015.pdf|Recent ArXiv Papers (year 2015) on Sparse Signal Recovery}}|Saurabh| 
-|26/09/2015     |{{:PPT_JW_26Sep.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Communications, Sep. 2015}}|Shilpa| 
-|03/10/2015     |{{:twc_sep_2015_crm.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Sep. 2015}}|Chandra| 
-|10/10/2015     |{{:TVT_Sep_2015_Chethan.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Sep. 2015}}|Chethan| 
-|17/10/2015     |{{:JW_TSP_Oct_15_Geethu.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Oct. 2015}}|Geethu| 
-|24/10/2015     |{{:JW_TWC_Oct01_2015_Monika.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 01 October 2015}}|Monika| 
-|31/10/2015     |{{:jw_tc_oct_2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Communications, October 2015}}|Mohit| 
-|07/11/2014     |{{:jw_tsp_nov1_2015.pdf|IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 November 2015}}|Ribhu| 
 ==== Presentation ==== ==== Presentation ====
-^Date         ^Journal                                                     ^Presenter   ^+^Date        Presentation Topic                                                  ^ Presenter |
 |03/01/2015     |{{:security_CPS.pdf|Challenges in Security for Cyber-Physical Systems}}|Parthajit| |03/01/2015     |{{:security_CPS.pdf|Challenges in Security for Cyber-Physical Systems}}|Parthajit|
 |10/01/2015     |{{:qCBDSBL.pdf|Decentralized joint sparse signal recovery using binary messaging}}|Saurabh| |10/01/2015     |{{:qCBDSBL.pdf|Decentralized joint sparse signal recovery using binary messaging}}|Saurabh|
Line 73: Line 28:
 |24/10/2015     |{{:BayesianBounds.pdf| PAC Bayesian bounds }}|Saurabh| |24/10/2015     |{{:BayesianBounds.pdf| PAC Bayesian bounds }}|Saurabh|
 |07/11/2015     |{{:extended_source.pdf| Block sparse Bayesian learning for extended source localization}}|Shilpa| |07/11/2015     |{{:extended_source.pdf| Block sparse Bayesian learning for extended source localization}}|Shilpa|
-|10/01/2016     |{{:cheth_mp3.pdf| Resource Allocation in OFDMA Cellular Networks}}|Chethan| 
-Presentations from [[Pres2011|2011]], [[Pres2012|2012]], [[Pres2013|2013]], [[Pres2014|2014]] and [[Pres2015|2015]]. 

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