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pres2017 [2018/01/27 10:40]
spclab created
pres2017 [2018/09/24 11:01] (current)
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 |23/09/2017     |{{:Wainwright_Martin.pdf| Statistics meets Optimization: Fast randomized algorithms for large data sets}}|Chandra| |23/09/2017     |{{:Wainwright_Martin.pdf| Statistics meets Optimization: Fast randomized algorithms for large data sets}}|Chandra|
 |07/10/2017     |{{:MP_Lekshmi_Oct07.pdf| Matrix Perturbation: Theory and Applications}}|Lekshmi| |07/10/2017     |{{:MP_Lekshmi_Oct07.pdf| Matrix Perturbation: Theory and Applications}}|Lekshmi|
 +|14/10/2017     |{{:Dual_frame_as_Analysis_operator.pdf| Dual frames as Analysis operator}}|Pradip|
 |21/10/2017     |{{:Quantized_CS_Literature_Survey.pdf|Literature Survey on Quantized Compressed sensing and Massive MU-MIMO Systems}}|Sai Thoota| |21/10/2017     |{{:Quantized_CS_Literature_Survey.pdf|Literature Survey on Quantized Compressed sensing and Massive MU-MIMO Systems}}|Sai Thoota|

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