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writing_research_papers [2013/04/23 11:44]
writing_research_papers [2014/01/12 06:15] (current)
spclab [Latex Tutorials]
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 Here are some useful links, please READ THEM before you start writing your first paper! Here are some useful links, please READ THEM before you start writing your first paper!
-  - Michael Littman's pet peeves [[http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~mlittman/topics/style|here]]. 
   - Big picture rules [[http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html|here]].   - Big picture rules [[http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html|here]].
 +  - Michael Littman's pet peeves [[http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~mlittman/topics/style|here]].
   - Writing bugs [[http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/etc/writing-bugs.html|here]].   - Writing bugs [[http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/etc/writing-bugs.html|here]].
   - Common errors [[http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/~jowens/commonerrors.html|here]].   - Common errors [[http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/~jowens/commonerrors.html|here]].
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   - How to give a good conference talk: [[http://www.cag-acg.ca/files/pdf/Good_Talk.pdf|here]].   - How to give a good conference talk: [[http://www.cag-acg.ca/files/pdf/Good_Talk.pdf|here]].
   - How to give a good colloquium: [[http://www.ams.org/profession/leaders/workshops/gcoll.pdf|here]].   - How to give a good colloquium: [[http://www.ams.org/profession/leaders/workshops/gcoll.pdf|here]].
 +======Good Coding Practices======
 +Here are some useful links and thoughts, please READ THEM before you start programming!
 +  - Use semantic variable names
 +  - Annotate your code with lots of comments for ease of readability
 +  - Scalable code -- avoid repetitive motifs as far as possible
 +  - For loops are time-consuming in Matlab. Use vector/matrix manipulations as far as possible
 +  - Matlab is very forgiving about vector/matrix sizes. Often, variable sizes are expanded "automatically" depending on the context. This means you need to be very careful when assigning and reusing variables
 +  - See this for some do's and dont's: [[http://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2012/01/13/best-practices-for-programming-matlab/|here]],  [[http://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2006/04/12/matlab-programming-practices/|here]], [[http://blogs.mathworks.com/videos/2010/03/08/top-10-matlab-code-practices-that-make-me-cry/|Matlab coding practices that make me cry!]].
 +  - {{:gmpp.pdf|Good Matlab programming practices}}  
 +  - {{:matopt.pdf|Writing fast Matlab code fast}}
 +======Latex Tutorials======
 +  - {{:gswlatex.pdf|Getting started with LaTeX}}
 +  - {{:ieeetran_howto.pdf|How to use IEEETran}}
 +  - {{:lshort.pdf|The (not so) short guide to LaTeX, a.k.a. LaTeX in 139 minutes}}

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