======First Electrical Sciences Divisional Symposium====== =====Call For Abstracts===== The Division of Electrical Sciences is hosting the First Divisional Symposium on **Jan 22-23, 2010**. The goals of the symposium are to provide a forum for senior research students to present their work, networking among students/faculty, and creating an environment conducive to inter-departmental research collaboration within the Division. The symposium will feature student presentations and a panel discussion, and will be held in the Faculty Hall at IISc. Final year PhD students (i.e., students expecting to finish their PhD in the calendar year 2010) are eligible to present their research at a high-level, in about 20 minutes. **[[http://www.ece.iisc.ernet.in/~aiyer/form_mail/|To submit an abstract for the symposium (deadline: Nov. 28th), click here.]]** **Date:** Jan 22-23, 2009 \\ **Venue:** Faculty Hall, I. I. Sc **Submission of title and abstract:** 28 Nov 2009 \\ **Registration opens:** 23 Dec 2009 \\ **Registration ends, final presentations due:** 08 Jan 2010 \\ **Symposium dates:** 22, 23 Jan 2010 **IMPORTANT NOTE :** Students are requested to consult with their faculty advisors before they submit an abstract for the symposium. Note that there are a limited slots available for the presentations. Faculty advisors are kindly requested to only allow those students who will most likely graduate in calendar year 2010. Students who will graduate in 2011 or later will have an opportunity to present their work the following year. If the number of abstracts exceeds the number of slots available, the selection of abstracts for presentation will be made based on seniority by joining date. The decision of the organising committee on this matter will be final. Students are requested to keep the audience (students and faculty from the Electrical Sciences Division) in mind and pitch their presentation at an appropriate level, and manage their time well so as to finish the presentation comfortably within the allotted time. [[ds:program|Preliminary Program]] [[venu@ee.iisc.ernet.in|Contact]]