Date Presentation Topic Presenter
14/01/2017 Interference Alignment for the K user Constant MIMO Interference ChannelChandra
21/01/2017 QC2LinQ: QoS and Channel Aware Distributed Link Scheduler for D2D CommunicationChethan
04/02/2017 A Bayesian Algorithm for Joint Dictionary Learning and Sparse Signal RecoveryGeethu
11/02/2017 Perfect Recovery Conditions for Nonnegative Sparse ModelingLekshmi
18/02/2017 Sparse Signal Recovery Based GNSS Signal DetectionMohan
24/02/2017 Whittle index and its optimality for restless multi-arm banditMohit
25/03/2017 Target self-localization to an areaPrabhasa
01/04/2017 Iterative Matrix Decomposition Aided Block Diagonalization for mm-Wave Multiuser MIMO SystemsSai Thoota
22/04/2017 Sparsity in time-frequency representationsRamu
13/05/2017 Scheduling an Energy Harvesting networkBalaprasad Bijjula
01/07/2017 Sparse Support Recovery via Covariance EstimationLekshmi
08/07/2017 A Survey of Drone Scheduling ResearchChandra
15/07/2017 Optimal Routing and Data Transmission for Multi-Hop D2D Communications Under Stochastic Interference ConstraintsSireesha
05/08/2017 Minorization-Maximization Algorithms for Codebook based Downlink Sum-Rate Maximization in TDD Multiuser Large MIMO Broadcast SystemsSai Thoota
12/08/2017 Exponentiated Gradient Updates for Joint Sparsity Pattern Recovery from Multiple Measurement VectorsSaurabh
19/08/2017 Stochastic optimization for Simultaneous Localization and MappingAkshay
02/09/2017 Line Search Algorithms on Matrix ManifoldsGeethu
23/09/2017 Statistics meets Optimization: Fast randomized algorithms for large data setsChandra
07/10/2017 Matrix Perturbation: Theory and ApplicationsLekshmi
14/10/2017 Dual frames as Analysis operatorPradip
21/10/2017 Literature Survey on Quantized Compressed sensing and Massive MU-MIMO SystemsSai Thoota