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Bharath B. N

Bharath B. N

I am a PhD student in the Dept. of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, working under the supervision of Prof. Chandra R. Murthy. I work in the area of reciprocal MIMO channel estimation. My research interests include Information theory, Estimation theory, Machine learning, High dimensional statistics and Signal Processing applications in communication problems.

My colloquium slides can be found here
My CV can be found here I will defending my thesis on 25th June 2013

====== Contact Information====== Signal Processing for Communications Lab,
Dept. of ECE,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560012
Email: bharath[AT]ece[Dot]iisc[Dot]ernet[Dot]in
=====Courses===== - Information theory - Probability theory and random processes - Digital Communication - Detection and estimation theory - Topics in multi-user communication
- Linear algebra
- Measure theory
- Convex optimization
- Digital signal processing

=====Teaching experience=====
I was a TA for the following courses:
1. Detection and estimation theory (Spring 2010)
2. Matrix theory (Fall 2010)
3. Detection and estimation theory (Spring 2011)
I was a TA for the following course: Matrix theory (Fall 2012).
Course instructor: Prof. Chandra R. Murthy
I found (among other standard “reference” books) the text book titled “Linear Algebra A geometric Approach” (an undergraduate level text) by S. Kumeresan very interesting. Also, I found a very good introduction to linear algebra in a book by Vinberg, titled “A course in Algebra” published by AMS publications. Although the main focus of the book is on abstract algebra, there is a substantial amount of linear algebra and geometry as well. Further, the development of the topic on the Jordon form seems to be very interesting. Subsequently, I will try to post some interesting problems and concepts in linear algebra and Matrix theory as a pdf attachment. I have uploaded the course notes (rough sketch). Please let me know if there are any errors/typos (technical/non-technical) in the document.
Updated on Oct. 7th 2012 here For a proof of Cayley-Hamilon theorem see here Compressive sensing: an example in linear algebra see here =====Publications===== =====Journal===== 1. B. N. Bharath and C. R. Murthy, On the DMT of TDD-SIMO Systems with Channel-Dependent Reverse Channel Training, IEEE Transactions on Commun., Accepted for Publication, Jun. 2012. 2. B. N. Bharath and C. R. Murthy, Channel Training Signal Design for Reciprocal Multiple Antenna Systems with Beamforming, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Accepted for publication, Aug. 2012. 3. B. N. Bharath and C. R. Murthy , Power Controlled Reverse Channel Training Achieves an Infinite Diversity Order in a TDD-SIMO System with Perfect CSIR, IEEE Communications letters, Accepted for publication**, Sep. 2012.

4. B. N. Bharath and C. R. Murthy, Power Controlled Reverse Channel Training in a Multi-user TDD-MIMO Spatial Multiplexing Systems, under revision in Transactions on Vehicular Technology.


1. B. N. Bharath and C. R. Murthy, Channel Estimation at the Transmitter in a Reciprocal MIMO Spatial Multiplexing System, Proc. National Conference on Communications, Kharagpur, India, Feb. 2012.

2. B. N. Bharath and C. R. Murthy, On the Improvement of Diversity-Multiplexing Gain Tradeoff in a Training Based TDD-SIMO System, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc., Dallas, TX, USA, Mar. 2010.

3. R. Prasad, B. N. Bharath, and C. Murthy, Joint Data Detection and Dominant Singular Mode Estimation in Time Varying Reciprocal MIMO Systems, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc., Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.

4. B. N. Bharath and C. R. Murthy, Reverse channel training for reciprocal MIMO systems with spatial multiplexing, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc., Taiwan, Taipei (Republic of China), Apr. 2009.

Conferences attended

1. National Conference on Communications, Kharagpur, India, Feb. 2012
2. IEEE-ICASSP, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011
3. IEEE-ICASSP, Taiwan, Taipei (Republic of China), Apr. 2009 (Received the travel grant from IEEE)

Some Useful Results

For some useful results in mathematics see here

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