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Signal Processing for Communications Lab

Dept. of ECE, IISc

This is an internal page, that we can use for sharing information, presentations, etc. It would be great if we could use this to log the presentations and journal watch information instead of the google doc that we are currently maintaining.

Meeting schedule: Click here.

Saturday Lab-meet

Journal watch

Date Journal Presenter
03/02/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 03 Jan. 2015Abhay
10/01/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Jan. 2015Chandra
17/01/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 Feb. 2015Geethu
31/01/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, 30 Nov. 2014Mohit
07/02/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, Jan. 2015Karthik
14/02/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, Feb. 2015K. Satyanarayana
07/03/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 15 Feb. 2015Saurabh
14/03/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Mar. 2015Vinnu
28/03/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Mar 1. 2015Vinuthna
04/04/2015 IEEE Transactions on Communications, Mar. 2015Chandra
18/04/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, May. 2015Geethu
02/05/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Apr. 2015Karthik
09/05/2015 IEEE Transactions on Communications, Apr. 2015Mohit
04/07/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, June. 2015Monika
11/07/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, May. 2015Mohit
18/07/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 1 July. 2015Saurabh
01/08/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 Sep. and 15 July 2015Chandra
08/08/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 15th Aug. and TWC July 2015Chethan
15/08/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 Sep. 2015Geethu
22/08/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 01 July. 2015Monika
29/08/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 01 August. 2015Mohit
05/09/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing September 15,2015Ribhu
12/09/2015 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology August 2015Sai Thoota
19/09/2015 Recent ArXiv Papers (year 2015) on Sparse Signal RecoverySaurabh
26/09/2015 IEEE Transactions on Communications, Sep. 2015Shilpa
03/10/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Sep. 2015Chandra
10/10/2015 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Sep. 2015Chethan
17/10/2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Oct. 2015Geethu
24/10/2015 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 01 October 2015Monika
31/10/2015 IEEE Transactions on Communications, October 2015Mohit
07/11/2014 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01 November 2015Ribhu


Date Journal Presenter
03/01/2015 Challenges in Security for Cyber-Physical SystemsParthajit
10/01/2015 Decentralized joint sparse signal recovery using binary messagingSaurabh
17/01/2015 On the fundamental limits of Space Shift KeyingK.Satyanarayana
31/01/2015 D2D Routing Schemes and the Optimum Operating PointsVinnu
07/02/2015 Sparse signal recovery in the presence of rank-deficient noiseVinuthna
07/03/2015 Online Recovery of Correlated Sparse Signals using Multiple Measurement VectorsGeethu
15/03/2015 Analytical Characterization of Uncertainty in the Localization of a Sensor NodeKarthik
28/03/2015 On Outage Optimal Transmission Policies for Energy Harvesting Multi-hop LinksMohit
18/04/2015 A communication efficient scheme for decentralized estimation of jointly sparse signalsSaurabh
09/05/2015 Algorithms to find the Optimum Operating Points for D2D communicationVinnu
16/05/2015 Dimensionality Estimation in Rank-Deficient Noise and Sparse Signal RecoveryVinuthna
04/07/2015 Learning Graphical Model StructureChandra
11/07/2015 An Iterative Re-Weighted Minimization Framework for Joint Channel and Power Allocation in OFDMA SystemsChethan
18/07/2015 Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning for Recovery of Block-Sparse SignalsGeethu
01/08/2015 SSR Algorithms for OFDM Systems:Theory to PracticeMonika
08/08/2015 Team Decision Theory and Information StructuresMohit
15/08/2015 Method of Types and Large Deviation TheorySaurabh
22/08/2015 Continuous Time Markov ChainsRibhu
29/08/2015 Analysis of Error Probability with Maximum Likelihood Detection over Discrete-Time Memoryless Noncoherent Rayleigh Fading ChannelsChandra
5/09/2015 Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems : Relay Enhanced Cellular Networks Chethan
12/09/2015 Sketching Sparse Matrices Geethu
19/09/2015 On learning k-parities and disjunction Monika
03/10/2015 Adaptive Techniques for Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios (This is a pptx file, please change the extension before opening)Ribhu
10/10/2015 On Optimal Power Control Policies for Dual Energy Harvesting Links Mohit
17/10/2015 Block Sparse Signal Recovery using Tikhonov Regularization Sai Thoota
24/10/2015 PAC Bayesian bounds Saurabh
07/11/2015 Block sparse Bayesian learning for extended source localizationShilpa
10/01/2016 Resource Allocation in OFDMA Cellular NetworksChethan

Presentations from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

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