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Venugopalakrishna Y. R.


I received B.E. in Electronics and Communications from UVCE, Bangalore in the year 2001. I obtained M.S. (research) from EE dept. of IIT Madras, Chennai in 2009, where I worked on speech signal processing. I completed my Ph. D. in the year 2016 at ECE Dept. of IISc, Bangalore.

I worked for CMC Limited, Bangalore as an IT engineer from the early 2002 to 2005, where I was a certified HP-UX System Administrator, Novell Netware Mailing server Admin etc.. During 2005-2008, in conjunction with M.S., I worked as a project associate in a DST funded project at IITM, where we developed a syllable-based speech synthesizer for Indian Languages.

For my Ph. D., I worked on Data fusion based Physical-layer protocols for Cognitive Radio Applications.

Currently, I am a post-doctoral research fellow at SUTD, Singapore.



  1. Venugopalakrishna Y. R., C. R. Murthy, and D. N. Dutt, “Multiple Transmitter Localization and Communication Footprint Identification using Energy Measurements,” Elsevier Physical Communication, Special Issue on Cognitive Radio, vol.9, pp. 184–192, Dec. 2013.
  2. Venugopalakrishna Y. R. and C. R. Murthy, “Performance Analysis of Co-phased Combining for Achieving Binary Consensus over Fading Wireless Channels with Imperfect CSI,” IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol.64, pp. 3262-3273, June 2016.
  3. Venugopalakrishna Y. R. and C. R. Murthy, “Target Self-Localization Using Beacon Nodes: A Column Matching Algorithm and Performance Analysis,” submitted, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., June 2016.
  4. Venugopalakrishna Y. R. and C. R. Murthy, “RSS-based Transmitter Localization Via Convex-Concave Procedure,” Under Preparation.


  1. Venugopalakrishna Y. R., C. R. Murthy, D. N. Dutt and S. L. Kottapalli, “Multiple Transmitter Localization and Communication Footprint Identification Using Sparse Reconstruction Techniques,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Kyoto, Jun. 2011
  2. Venugopalakrishna Y. R. and C. R. Murthy, “Physical Layer Binary Consensus Over Fading Wireless Channels and With Imperfect CSI,” Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf., Austin, Dec. 2014.
  3. Venugopalakrishna Y. R., C. R. Murthy, P. Misra, and J. Warrior, “A Column Matching Based Algorithm for Target Self-localization Using Beacon Nodes,” Proc. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Apr. 2015.
  4. Venugopalakrishna Y. R., Vinodh M. Vishwanath, Hema A. Murthy, C. S. Ramalingam, “Methods for Improving the Quality of Syllable Based Speech Synthesis,” Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Goa, 2008.
  5. Venugopalakrishna Y. R. et al. ``Design and Development of a Text-To-Speech Synthesizer for Indian Languages,” Proc. National Conference on Communications, Mumbai, 2008.
  6. B. H. Sri Hari and Venugopalakrishna Y. R., “On The Use of Dirac Delta Distribution in Transformation of Random Variables,” Proc. National Conference on Communications, Mumbai, 2008.


  1. Venugopalakrishna Y. R., “Methods for Improving the Quality of Syllable Based Speech Synthesis”, M.S. Thesis, IIT Madras, 2009.
  2. Venugopalakrishna Y. R., “Data Fusion based Physical Layer Protocols for Cognitive Radio Applications”, Ph.D. Thesis, IISc, Bangalore, 2016.

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