Writing /home/cmurthy/web/SPCLab/data/cache/3/37cc61df621ab17045308ad5b50be91d.i failed
Unable to save cache file. Hint: disk full; file permissions; safe_mode setting.
Writing /home/cmurthy/web/SPCLab/data/cache/3/37cc61df621ab17045308ad5b50be91d.xhtml failed

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Writing Research Papers

Here are some useful links, please READ THEM before you start writing your first paper!

  1. Big picture rules here.
  2. Michael Littman's pet peeves here.
  3. Writing bugs here.
  4. Common errors here.
  5. Drawing figures and tables here.
  6. Publish and prosper here.

Giving Wonderful Talks

Here are some useful links, please READ THEM before you start preparing your first set of slides!

  1. My favourite: click here.
  2. Also here.
  3. Also here.
  4. How to give a good conference talk: here.
  5. How to give a good colloquium: here.

Good Coding Practices

Here are some useful links and thoughts, please READ THEM before you start programming!

  1. Use semantic variable names
  2. Annotate your code with lots of comments for ease of readability
  3. Scalable code – avoid repetitive motifs as far as possible
  4. For loops are time-consuming in Matlab. Use vector/matrix manipulations as far as possible
  5. Matlab is very forgiving about vector/matrix sizes. Often, variable sizes are expanded “automatically” depending on the context. This means you need to be very careful when assigning and reusing variables
  6. See this for some do's and dont's: here, here, here, Matlab coding practices that make me cry!.

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