Homeworks will be in the form of problem sets that are given out periodically and also as isolated problems that occur during lectures.
You are encouraged to do the homeworks either in teams or on your own. Either is fine so long as you understand what's going on.
Some homeworks will be in the form of Matlab programming assignments. You can complete them either using SERC's computational resources (make sure you have a working account) or using your or your advisor's computational resources.
The homeworks will not be graded. But, a *very* similar problem will appear in the in-class quizzes, so solving the homework problems is highly recommended.
Problem Sets
Homework 1: click here. (Assigned: 12 Aug 2013). The first quiz will be on 23 Aug. 2013. Here is Prathosh's solution.
Homework 2: click here. (Assigned: 23 Aug 2013). The second quiz will be on 06 Sep. 2013.