Welcome! I am a (direct) Ph.D. student at the Dept. of ECE, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. My advisor is Prof. Chandra R. Murthy. My current research focus is on beyond 5G/6G communications.
Niladri Halder (Graduate student member, IEEE) obtained his B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, in 2021. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. Chandra Murthy at the Dept. of ECE, IISc Bangalore, India, with a focus on the design and analysis of advanced modulation schemes for beyond 5G/6G. His broad areas of research interests lie in signal processing and its applications to communication systems. He is a recipient of the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF), Govt. of India in 2023. For more details about his research, please visit on the following links here: CV, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, and ORCID pages.
My Primary interests lie in Statistical Signal Processing and Wireless Communication systems. My current research focus is on waveform design for beyond 5G/6G. Some of the problems on which I am working currently and have worked in the past include:
- Delay-scale spread wideband channel estimation in underwater acoustic systems
- Variational Bayesian techniques for channel estimation and data detection
- Low complexity decoder design
[C1] Niladri Halder, Arunkumar K.P., and Chandra R. Murthy, Variational Bayesian Channel Estimation in Wideband Multi-Scale Multi-Lag Channels, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, Jun. 2023. slides, video
[C2] Niladri Halder, Arunkumar K. P., and Chandra R. Murthy, Iterative Delay-Scale Spread Channel Estimation and Soft Symbol Decoding, IEEE 24th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Shanghai, China, Sep. 2023. poster
Academic Experience
Matrix Theory, Random Processes, Linear and Non linear Optimization, Digital Communications, Wireless Communications, Detection and Estimation Theory, Information Theory, Communication System Design, Time-Frequency Analysis, Compressed Sensing and Sparse Signal Processing
Teaching Experiences
- Teaching Assistant. E1 244: Detection and estimation theory, Dept. of ECE, Indian Institute of Science, Jan. – Apr. 2023 term. Instructor: Prof. Vaibhav Katewa, Dept. of ECE, IISc Bangalore.
- [PMRF Duty – 2023] Teaching Assistant. NPTEL course: NOC23-EE99 – Applied Optimization for Wireless, Machine Learning, and Big Data, Jul. – Oct. 2023. Instructor: Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham, IIT Kanpur. (Total hours spent: 26 hours). Certificate
- [PMRF Duty – 2024] Instructor. Modulation Techniques for High-Mobility Communications in 6G and Beyond, Jun. – Aug. 2024, Institute of Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS). (Total hours spent: 60 hours). Certificate
- [PMRF Duty – 2024] Instructor. Overview of Waveforms for Next-Generation Wireless Communication, Oct. – Nov. 2024, Institute of Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS). (Total hours spent: 15 hours). Certificate
Professional Activities
Talks and Presentations
- 31 Aug. 2024: Delivered a talk at the IEEE Bharat 6G Summit held at IIIT Bangalore on the topic “Fair Comparisons of the Performance of Advanced Modulation Schemes in UWA Communications.”
IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communication (SPAWC), 2023
- IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2025
- Office: SPW204, Signal Processing for Communication Lab, Signal Processing Building, West Wing, Dept. of ECE, IISc.
- Office phone: +91-80-2293-2464 extn. 23.
- E-Mail: niladrih@iisc.ac.in/ niladrihalder1998@gmail.com