K.J. Vinoy
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Development of 5G mmwave frontend modules
Our entry at the 5G Hackathon by Dept of Telecomm. Govt of India
Modulation using Reconfigurable Metasurface
· Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University, USA
· M.Tech. Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi
· B.Tech. College of Engineering, Trivandrum
Chairperson, Office of Development and Alumni Affairs, IISc, Aug. 2023 -
Professor , Electrical Communication Engineering, IISc, June 2015 -
§ Chairperson, Electrical Communication Engineering, IISc, Aug. 2020 -2023
§ Chairperson, Centre for Scientific & Industrial Consultancy (CSIC), IISc (2017 -2022)
§ Convener, Office of Career Counselling and Placement (OCCaP), IISc (2016 -2022)
§ Associate Professor, Electrical Communication Engineering, IISc, Sept. 2009 - 2015
§ Assistant Professor, Electrical Communication Engineering, IISc, Sept. 2003 - Sept 2009
§ Post
Researcher, Pennsylvania State University, USA, Sept. 2002 - Aug. 2003
Research Assistant, Pennsylvania State University, USA, Jan. 1999 - Aug. 2002
§ Scientist, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore,
Oct. 1996 - Dec. 1998
JRF/SRF, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, Feb. 1995 - Sept. 1996
Post Graduate Trainee National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, Feb. 1994 -
Feb. 1995
§ M.Tech Student Trainee, Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore, Dec. 1992 - May 1993
· Member, Executive Committee, IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference MAPCon (2022-)
· Member, Executive Committee, IEEE MTTS International Microwaves & RF Conference (2013-2021)
Institute of Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS) (2017- 2019); Previsouly as Vice President 2015-2017, Treasurer
2009-2013, Secretary 2013-2015)
Chairman, Bangalore Chapter of IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques (MTT) and
Antennas & Propagation (AP) (2009-2012)
· Member, Executive
Committee of Bangalore Section of IEEE (2005-2008)
· President, Faculty
Association, IISc (2015-2017)
· Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering (elected 2011)
· Series Editor, Springer Briefs in Computational Electromagnetics 2017-
· Senior Associate Editor, Sadhana, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences 2020-2023.
· Member, Editorial Board, the Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 2008-2018
· Member, Research Council, Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment (2015-2019)
· Member, Editorial Board, Int. J. RF & Microwave Computer Aided Engineering (Wiley) 2010-2018
· Member,, Editorial Board, Journal of the Institute of Smart Structures & Systems 2012-2015
· Member,, Editorial Board, Smart Nanosystems in Engineering and Medicine
· Area Editor, Int. J. Electronics & Communications (Elsevier) 2010-2016
· Member, Technical Advisory Board of International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2006-2009.
· Member, Academic Council RV College of Engineering, Bangalore 2013-2016
· Member, Board of Studies Defense Institute of Advanced Studies, Pune, 2012- 2014
· Member, Board of Studies for Undergraduate Course, Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept, MSRIT, Bangalore 2008-2015
· E8-242 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits & Systems (Offered every year during Jan-Apr. Semester: 2008 onwards)
· E8-202 Computational electromagnetics (Offered jointly with Dr Dipanjan Gope during Aug-Dec Semester: 2012 onwards)
· NPTEL Course on Micro and Smart Systems You may view/download videos from youtube
· E8 211 Antenna Theory and Practice (Jan.-Apr. 2004) discontinued
· E8 241 Microwave Engineering & RF MEMS (Aug.-Dec. 2004, '05, '06, '07) discontinued
· E8-242 Microwave Systems Engineering (Jan-Apr. 2005, '06, '07) Modified
· E8-311 Advanced Topics in Electromagnetics (Aug-Dec 2010, '11)
· E8-203 RF & Optical Engineering (with Prof T Srinivas; Aug-Dec Semester: 2015)
Our group has designed and characterized a 64 element phased array antenna for active beam steering with the necessary hardware and software for a millimeterwave band. Special beam shaping and beam steering approaches have been developed to reduce the impact of quantization. Control and power circuits for the array has also been developed. Our computational EM capabilities have been enhanced to incorporate geometric uncertainty in addition to spatial variation of permittivity for EM problems solved using FEM and time domain radial point interpolation method (RPIM). Another recent highlight has been the use of 2D periodic transmitarray for a channel modulation scheme. This hardware has potential use in 6G communications and advanced microwave imaging. Another topic of research is on re-entrant coaxial cavity resonators for various sensing applications.
Ongoing Research Topics Back to TOP
Antenna Arrays & Beam Steering: Conformal antenna arrays of moderate size are of commercial interest due to the advances in mm wave 5G antenna systems. We focus on new approaches of optimally designing these arrays, and their deployment using practical antenna elements. We have recently demonstrated beam steering array at 28GHz and were able to stream videos through a link established. An innovative product idea in this direction is being investigated by our team.
Current Students: Past MTech (Res) students: Ajay Kochar, Vaibhav Monga
Microwave Antennas: We have developed a wideband microstrip patch antenna with about 50% bandwidth and good gain. Other multifunctional antennas developed included dual band and triband antennas using various microstrip patch geometries. We also investigated several fractal geometries for realizing small and multi-frequency antennas. We have also developed antennas for several industrial/commercial applications.
Another topic of interest is the use of periodic structures such as metamaterials for antenna applications. A reconfigurable intelligent surface was developed and its use in media based modulation is being explored.
Current PhD Students: Gauranga Dhauntia, Aritra Roy, Priya Suresh Past Students: Veeresh GK, Subhrakanta Behera, Vijayashree Bhat, MN Sujatha
Microwave Resonators: Compact microwave resonators with a high quality factor are useful in a a variety of applications from microwave filters to a variety of sensors to quantum technology. We have investigated re-entrant cavities and analyzed the impact of various geometric parameters on the quality factor and sensitivity.
Current PhD Students: Malika Somanath, Nagendra NN; Past Students: Piyush Sinha, Ashok Bansiwal
Computational Electromagnetics: Fabrication tolerance is a major hurdle in device fabrication. We focus on the application of stochastic finite element methods in electromagnetics problems. We are also working on time domain electromagnetic solvers specifically for analyzing transient electromagnetic effects involving multi-physics challenges.
Current PhD Students: Athul Shaji, Kiran R, Abhijith BN, Past students: Gladwin Jos KT, Aditya Sripada Sivaram, Hementh G, Neeraj Kumar Singh
Other Research Topics Back to TOP
Wireless Power Transfer: We have developed antennas and circuits for harvesting RF energy. We have demonstrated that it is possible to build a low power communication terminal operating on such harvested energy. Several extensions of this work is underway. Wireless power transfer becomes a possibility in select environments. The challenge is to enhance the power transfer efficiency. We have recently developed antennas for wireless power transfer in a fuel tank to energize wireless fuel sensors.
Microwave Circuits: We have developed novel ideas on miniaturizing passive components such as filters, phase shifters and resonators. PCBs and LTCC techniques have been used for their experimental prototypes. Modeling approaches have been studied for several microwave components. Our recent emphasis is on compact circuits for wideband systems.
Past PhD Students: D. Packiaraj, M. Sumathy, Keerthan P.
Micro and Nano Technology Applications: Micromachining techniques are fast becoming the mainstay of millimeter and sub-millimeter wave systems for wireless, military, aerospace and sensor applications. We have established sophisticated RF and microwave modeling capabilities for the analysis, design and characterization of these systems. IISc already has a state of the art facility for their fabrication. We have demonstrated low-actuation voltage switches for RF applications. In addition, we have collaborated extensively with space and defense research groups for the fabrication of such devices.
Our emphasis was on low cost fabrication of compact devices for microwave and millimeterwave applications. We have recently developed a low cost fabrication approach for RF MEMS phase shifters for phased array applications. We are also exploring compact RF cavities for sensing applications.
Past PhD Students: Poonam Lata, Sudhanshu Shekar, Arjun Shetty,
Ongoing Research Projects Back to TOP
· Communication Scheme for a Scatter-rich Channel using Digitally Controlled Metasurface [2022-2023]
· Coupled Electromagnetic Device Circuit Modeling for High Power Microwave Effects (MTRDC/DRDO) [2019-2023]
Past Research Projects Back to TOP
5G/mm wave Gatelink Antenna (Boeing Corporation) [2018-2022]
Indigenous 5G Test Testbed Set up
(mm wave beam steering array) (Dept of Telecom., Govt of India) [2018-2021]
Telemetry System
for Nano Satellites (ISRO) 2018-19
Wideband Waveform Generation for Radar Applications (DRDO) 2015-2018
Development of
Ku-band Power Amplifier Module (DRDO) 2016-17
Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program (INUP) (MCIT, New Delhi) [Co-investigator]
Feasibility Studies to Reduce Wiring Requirements of Telemetry During Flight Tests (ADA) 2015-2016 [PI]
Design of Energy Harvesting Antennas for Fuel Sensors, (Boeing ANRC), 2013-2015
Upgrading facilities for MEMS Design Activities at National Resource Centres (NPMASS/ADA, Bangalore) [PI]
Group IIIA(Ga, Al, In)-Nitrides on Si: Growth, transport properties and device development (DRDO, New Delhi) [Co-investigator]
Enhancement of Design tools at National MEMS Design/Resource Centres (NPMASS/ADA, Bangalore) [PI]
Center of Excellence in Nanoelectronics (MCIT New Delhi)
Centre for Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits (MCIT New Delhi) [Co-investigator]
Microwave Power handling of Micromachined Systems (UGC, New Delhi) [Co-investigator]
Multi-frequency Wireless Antennas for on-board Applications (Boeing Corp., USA) Jan 2008-2011
EM Analysis of Integration and Packaging issues with RF MEMS Switches (IISc STC) Apr 2009-2012
Design and Development Studies for RF MEMS Switches (IISc STC) Apr 2006-Mar 2009
Design and Development of Fractal Shaped Antennas for 1-18GHz Operation ( DLRL, Hyderabad) Oct 2006-Mar 2008
Design Study for an SPDT RF MEMS Switch (RCI, Hyderabad) May 2007-July 2008
Investigations for Design Rules of Multi-Band Antennas Using Fractal Geometries (DST, New Delhi) April 2004-April 2007
Design Optimization of a Micromachined Phase shifter for Phased Array Applications (ISRO-STC, IISc) April 2005-March 2007
Enabling MEMS Education and Research in selected colleges through design and development projects (Co-investigator) (NPSM) Sept 2005-July 2006
An Exploratory Study on Micromachined Microstrip Patch Antennas on Semiconductor Substrates (ISRO-STC, IISc) April 2004-March 2006
K.J. Vinoy, G.K. Ananthasuresh, Rudra Pratap, and SB Krupanidhi, (Editors) Micro and Smart Devices and Systems. Springer [New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-322-1912-5, 506 p.] [K.J. Vinoy and T.V. Prabhakar, A Universal Energy Harvesting Scheme for Operating Low-Power Wireless Sensor Nodes Using Multiple Energy Resources, pp. 453-466].
G.K. Ananthasuresh, K.J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, K.N. Bhat and V.K. Aatre, Micro and Smart Systems. John Wiley & Co.[Indian Edition New Delhi, ISBN: 978 81265 27151, 2010, 385p.] [Enhanced International Edition: New York, ISBN: 978-0470919392, 2011, 600p].
V.K. Varadan, K.J. Vinoy and S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Materials Systems & MEMS: Design and Development Methodologies. London: John Wiley. 432 p., [Int. Ed. ISBN 978 04700 93610 - 2006]. [Indian Reprint ISBN 978 81265 31707, 2011]
V.K. Varadan, K.J. Vinoy, and K.A. Jose, RF MEMS and their Applications. London: John Wiley, 406p., [Int. Ed. ISBN 978 04708 43086- 2002] Indian Reprint: ISBN 978 81265 29919, 2010].
K.J. Vinoy and R.M. Jha, Radar Absorbing Materials: From theory to design and characterization, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 190 p., [Int. Ed. ISBN 978-0792397533 - 1996].
Patents Back to TOP
KJ Vinoy, A Chockalingam, Aritra Roy, Ashwin P, Naresh Y, Venkataramana A., Saurav Roy, A Digitally Reconfigurable Metasurface for Communication in Scatter-rich Multipath Channel, Patent Granted 435646, 26-06-2023.
Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, K.J. Vinoy, S.K. Datta, A Re-entrant Cavity structure for Broadband Klystron Tube, Indian Patent Granted No. 468848, 14-11-2023.
Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, K.J. Vinoy, S.K. Datta, A Ridge Loaded Re-entrant Cavity Structure for Multiple beam Klystron Tube, Indian Patent Granted, 468579, 13-11-2023.
R Sai, SA Shivashankar, Navakanta Bhat, and K.J. Vinoy, High-frequency integrated device with an enhanced inductance and a process thereof, US Patent 9,741,656
SA Shivashankar, Ranajit Sai, Navakanta Bhat, and K.J. Vinoy, Nanostructures Materials and Process for their deposition on a substrate, Indian Patent Filed 4570/CHE/2012
Murugan Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy, Subrata Kumar Datta and Lalit Kumar, A Damond shaped Cross section Folded-Waveguide Slow wave Structure, Indian Patent Filed (2011) No.: 1930/DEL/2011
V.K. Varadan, K.J. Vinoy, J.A. Kollakompil, and V.V. Varadan, Miniaturized conformal wideband fractal antennas on high dielectric substrates and chiral layers, US Patent no. 6,525,691, Feb. 25, 2003.
Copyright and all rights therein of the works listed here are retained by authors and/or by other copyright holders. These works may not be reposted/published/copied without the explicit permission of the copyright holders. Those copying full-text publications from the links below are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints of relevant copyright regulations.
110. R. Kiran and KJ. Vinoy, A Reduced Order PCE based Time Domain Method for Large Uncertainties,” IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation.
109. Gladwin Jos K.T. and K.J. Vinoy, An efficient SSFEM-POD method for wideband uncertainty quantification of material parameter, IEEE Trans. Antennas & propagation, vol 71, no 2, pp. 1654 – 1661, Feb. 2023
108. A. Roy, KJ. Vinoy, S Mallegol, N. Martin, C. Quendo, Wideband Absorbing Metasurface for Improving Axial Ratio of a Compact Archimedean Spiral Antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation, vol 71, no 1, pp, 151-158, Jan 2023
107. G. Dhaundia and K.J. Vinoy, A high-gain wideband microstrip patch antenna with folded ground walls,” IEEE Antennas & Wireless Propagation Letters, 2022,
106. Aritra Roy, Yalagala Naresh, Ashwin Padmanabhan, A. Chockalingam, and K J Vinoy, Digitally reconfigurable metasurface array for a multipath based wireless link with media-based modulation,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech.,
105. K.T.J. Gladwin and K.J. Vinoy, Modelling of Spatial Permittivity Variations using Karhunen Loève Expansion for Stochastic Electromagnetic Problems,” Int, J. RF& Microwave Computer Aided Engineering (May, 2022)
104. A. Roy, KJ. Vinoy, S Mallegol, N. Martin, C. Quendo, Performance Improvement of An Archimedean Spiral Antenna for 2-18 GHz Applications,” IEEE Antenna Wireless Propagat Lett. April, 2022,
103. Gladwin Jos K.T. and K.J. Vinoy, Fast Solution of High Stochastic Dimensional EM Problems using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, vol 32, no. 6, pp. 483-486, 2022
102. Kiran R and K.J.
Vinoy, A stochastic radial
point interpolation method for wideband uncertainty analysis, IEEE
Antennas & Wireless propagation Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1755-1759, Sept 2021
101. Abhijith
BN and K.J. Vinoy, A novel
method for intrusive stochastic estimation of geometric tolerance effects in
finite element electromagnetic analysis,
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech. vol 69, No. 10, pp. 4329 – 4340, Oct 2021
100. P.J. Bora, K.K.
Khanum, K.R. Riya K.J. Vinoy, and P.C. Ramamurthy, “Porous Fibres of Polymer Blend for
Broadband Microwave Absorption,” Materials Advances, vol.2, pp. 3613-3619, 2021.
99. T.R. Suresh Kumar,
K.J. Vinoy, “A Miniaturized
Angularly Stable FSS for Shielding GSM 0.9, 1.8, and Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Bands,”
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2021,
98. Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil
Raina, K J Vinoy, Subrata Kumar Datta, "Effect of Beam Tunnels on Resonant
Frequency of Cylindrical Reentrant Cavity,” Defense Science Journal (India) Vol. 71 Issue 3, p332-336,
97. P. Sinha, Ch. V. N.
Rao, K.J. Vinoy and R. Jyoti, “Re-entrant cavity accelerometer
with high bias stability”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 4, pp.
4333-4331, Feb. 2021, doi:
96. P. Sinha, K. J. Vinoy and Ch. V. N. Rao, “Analytical modelling and experimental
studies on tapered post re-entrant cavity resonator,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 5190-5199, Dec
95.Ritesh Kumar and KJ Vinoy, "Large Group Delay in Microstrip Circuit using Coupled Open Stubs and Collocated Ground Slots," Accepted, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, 2020
94.Aditya Sripada, KJ Vinoy, "Inverse Multiquadric Radial Basis Functions in Eigenvalue Analysis of a Circular Waveguide using Radial Point Interpolation Method," Accepted, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, 2020
93.Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, K.J. Vinoy and Subrata Kumar Datta, "A Post-Loaded Rectangular Reentrant Cavity for Broadband Multiple-Beam Klystron," Accepted, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2020
92. Gladwin Jos KT and K.J. Vinoy, Neumann Expansion based FEM for Uncertainty Quantification of Permittivity Variations, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 19, Issue:4, pp 561-565, April 2020,
91. Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, K.J. Vinoy, Subrata Kumar Datta, "Calculation of quality factor of a rectangular reentrant cavity," International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol.15, No.1, pp 80-84, Jan 2020.
90. Rajiv Panigrahi, Joy Thomas M, and K.J. Vinoy, “A new Fabrication Method for Serpentine Folded Waveguide Slow Wave Structure at W band”, IEEE Trans Electron Devices, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 1198-1204, March 2020, 2020
89. Angappan M., Pritom J. Bora, K.J. Vinoy, Kishore, Praveen C. Ramamurthy, “Microwave Absorption Efficiency of Poly (vinyl-butyral)/Ultra-thin Nickel Coated Fly Ash Cenosphere Composite, Surfaces and Interfaces, 100430, 2020,
88. Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, K.J. Vinoy and Subrata Kumar Datta,”Analysis for Unloaded Quality Factor of a Rectangular Double-Reentrant Cavity with Circular Cylindrical Ferrule for Klystron using Wheeler’s Incremental Inductance Rule," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 201–212, 2020.
87. P.J. Bora, A.G. Anil, K.J. Vinoy, and P.C.
Ramamurthy, "Outstanding Absolute Electromagnetic Interference
Shielding Effectiveness of Cross-Linked PEDOT:PSS film,"
Advanced Materials Interfaces, Volume 6, Issue 22, 1901353, 2019,
86. Gladwin Jos KT and K.J. Vinoy, "A fast polynomial chaos expansion for uncertainty quantification in stochastic electromagnetic problems," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 18, issue 10, pp. 2120-2124, 2019.
85. Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, K.J. Vinoy and Subrata Kumar Datta (2019), "Equivalent Circuit Analysis of a Rectangular Double-Reentrant Cavity with Circular Cylindrical Ferrule for Klystrons," IEEE Trans Electron Devices. vol. 66, issue 11, pp. 4952-4956, 2019
84. N. Abhijith and K.J. Vinoy, "Spectral Stochastic FEM for Uncertainty Quantification due to Multiple Dielectric variabilities," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol 18, issue 10, pp. 1961-1965, 2019.
83. S. Shekhar and K.J. Vinoy, "Thermally Robust Thin-Metal Membrane Capacitive RF MEMS Switch", ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 31-40, June 2019.
82. Ashok Bansiwal, S. Raina, K. J. Vinoy and S.K.Datta, A Broadband Rectangular Reentrant Cavity for Multiple-Beam Klystron, IEEE Trans Electron Devices, vol 66, issue: 7, pp. 3168-3170, July 2019.
81. Pritom J. Bora, S. Gupta, V.K. Pecharsky, K.J.Vinoy, P.C.Ramamurthy, R.L. Hadimani, Enhancement of microwave absorption bandwidth of polymer blend using ferromagnetic gadolinium silicide nanoparticles, Material Letters, Volume 252, 2019, pp 178-181, 2019.
80. Ashok Bansiwal, S. Raina, K.J. Vinoy and Subrata Kumar Datta (2019), A simple method for estimating the quality factor of cylindrical re-entrant cavity of Klystrons, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 33, issue: 8, pp. 1082-1091, 19 March 2019.
79. Pritom J Bora, S M Harstad, S Gupta, V.K Pecharsky, KJ Vinoy, P.C Ramamurthy and R L Hadimani, Gadolinium silicide (Gd5Si4) nanoparticles for tuneable broad band microwave absorption, Materials Research Express, vol. 6 (2019) 055053, online 10 January 2019,
78. Neeraj Kumar , K.J. Vinoy, and S.
Gopalakrishnan, "
Improved Well-Conditioned Model Order Reduction Method Based on Multilevel Krylov Subspaces ," IEEE Microwave and Wireless
Component Letters, 2018
77. Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, K.J.
Vinoy, S.K. Datta, "
Calculation of Equivalent Circuit Parameters of a Rectangular Reentrant Cavity for Klystron ," Int J Microwave
and Opt Technol., vol. 13, No 6, 487-492, Nov 2018.
76. S. Shekhar, KJ Vinoy, and GK Anathasuresh, "
Low-Voltage High-Reliability MEMS Switch for Millimeter
Wave 5G Applications ," Journal of Micromechanics & Microengineering,
75. M. Angappan,
Pritom J. Bora, K.J. Vinoy, Praveen C. Ramamurthy, K. Vijayaraju, "
Tailorable electromagnetic interference shielding using nickel coated glass
fabric-epoxy composite with excellent mechanical property ,"
Composites Communications, Vol 10, pp. 110-115, 2018
74. Pritom J. Bora, Irthasa
Azeem, K.J. Vinoy, Praveen C. Ramamurthy, and Giridhar Madras, "
Polyvinylbutyral -Polyaniline Nanocomposite for High
Microwave Absorption Efficiency ," ACS Omega, 3, 16542−16548, 2018
73. Priya S. Nalumakkal,
K. Maheshwara Reddy; K.J. Vinoy; Saurabh
Shukla, "
A wideband Stripline fed Tapered Slot Antenna with
Integral Coupler for wide scan angle Active Phased Array ," IET
Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Volume 12, Issue 9, p. 1487-1493 July,
72. Pritom J.Bora,
Mayuri Porwal, K.J.Vinoy,
Kishore, Praveen C.Ramamurthy, Giridhar Madras,
Industrial waste fly ash cenosphere composites based
broad band microwave absorber ," Composites Part B: Engineering , vol.
134, pp. 151-163, Feb. 2018.
71. Pritom J.Bora, Irthasa Azeem, K.J.Vinoy,
Praveen C. Ramamurthy, Giridhar Madras, "
Morphology controllable microwave absorption property of polyvinylbutyral
(PVB)-MnO2 nanocomposites ," Composites Part B: Engineering , vol.
132, pp. 188-196, Jan. 2018.
70. Sudhanshu Shekhar, K. J. Vinoy, and
G. K. Ananthasuresh,"
Surface-Micromachined Capacitive RF Switches With Low Actuation Voltage and
Steady Contact ," J. Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 26, No. 3,
pp. 643-652, June 2017.
69. Pritom J. Bora, K.J. Vinoy, Praveen
C. Ramamurthy, Kishore, Giridhar Madras, "
Electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of polyaniline-nickel
oxide coated cenosphere composite film ,"
Composites Communications, vol. 4, pp. 37-42. 2017
68. Pritom J Bora, K J Vinoy, Praveen C
Ramamurthy and Giridhar Madras, "
Electromagnetic interference shielding efficiency of MnO2 nanorod doped
polyaniline film ," Mater. Res. Express, vol. 4, 025013, 2017
67. Pritom J Bora, K. J. Vinoy, Praveen
C Ramamurthy, Kishore, and Giridhar Madras, "
Lightweight Polyaniline-Cobalt Coated Fly Ash Cenosphere
Composite Film for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding ,"Electron.
Mater. Lett., Vol. 12, No. 5 pp. 603-609, 2016
66. P. Keerthan,
Ritesh Kumar, and K. J. Vinoy," A
Novel All-Pass Network Implementation for Improved Group Delay Performance
," IEEE Microwaves and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 6, No. 10, pp.
804-807, Oct. 2016
65. Keerthan P and KJ
Vinoy, "
Design of Cascaded All Pass Network with Monotonous Group Delay Response for
Broadband Radio Frequency Applications ," IET Microwaves, Antennas and
Propagation, 10(7), pp. 808-815, Jul.2016
64. Arjun Shetty, Mahesh Kumar, Basanta Roul, K. J. Vinoy,
and S. B. Krupanidhi, " InN Quantum Dot Based Infra-Red Photodetectors ,"
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 15 , pp. 1-6, Jan.2016
63. Arjun Shetty, B. Roul,
S. Mukundan, L. Mohan, G. Chandan, K. J. Vinoy and
S. B. Krupanidhi, "
Temperature dependent electrical characterisation of Pt/HfO2/n-GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) Schottky diodes
," AIPAdvances, vol. 5, issue 9, 097103 (2015)
62. M.N. Sujatha and K.J. Vinoy,
of absorption characteristics of stacked patch arrays on moderately lossy
dielectric layers, Applied Physics A, Vol.119, Issue 3, pp 1143-1148, June
61. Pritom J Borah, K.J. Vinoy,
Praveen C. Ramamurthy, Kishore and Giridhar Madras, Nickel
coated flyash (Ni-FAC) cenosphere
doped polyaniline composite film for electromagnetic shieldin
Materials Research Express, 2015.
60. D. Packiaraj,
K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh, AT Kalghatgi, Design
of Cascaded Three Conductor Coupled Line Filter, Microwave &
Optical technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 2431-2436, 2014.
59. D. Packiaraj,
K.J. Vinoy, and M. Ramesh, High
directivity DGS based Coupler, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and
Applications, 2014 DOI: 10.1080/09205071.2014.905212
57. S. Kumar, V. Bhat, K.J.
Vinoy, and V. Santhanam, Using
an Office Inkjet Printer t Define the Formation of
Copper Films on Paper, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol. 13, No. 1, pp.
160-164, Jan 2014.
56. D. Packiaraj,
K.J. Vinoy, P. NagarajRao, M.
Ramesh and A. T. Kalghatgi, Miniaturized
defected ground high isolation crossovers, IEEE Microwave and Wireless
Components Letters. vol. 23, No.7, pp. 347-349, July 2013.
55. D.
Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh
and A. T. Kalghatgi, Expressions for coupled
microstriplines with aperture in ground plane and their use in synthesis of
microstripline components, Journal of Electromagnetic
Waves and Applications vol.
27, no. 7, pp. 856-867, 2013. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09205071.2013.789410).
54. Ranajit Sai, K.J. Vinoy,
Navakanta Bhat, and S. A. Shivashankar, CMOS-Compatible
and Scalable Deposition of Nanocrystalline Zinc Ferrite Thin Film to Improve
per Area Inductance of Integrated RF Inductor, IEEE Trans Magnetics, Vol.
49, No. 7, pp. 4323-4326, July 2013
53. G. Singh, R. Ponnaganti, T. V. Prabhakar, and K.J. Vinoy, A
tuned rectifier for RF energy harvesting from ambient radiations, Int. J.
Electronics & Communications, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 564-569, July 2013
52. D. Packiaraj,
K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh, and A.T. Kalghatgi, Miniaturized
Ultra Wide band Filter with Extended Stop band,
Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 703-705, April 2013.
S. Behera and K.J. Vinoy, A Multi-port Network Approach for
the Analysis of Conformal Dual band Fractal Antennas,
IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat., Vol 60, No. 11, pp.
5100-5106, Nov 2012.
S. Behera and K.J. Vinoy, Resonance Characteristics of
Non-uniform width Square Ring Antennas, Progress
in Electromagnetics Research PIER-C 31, pp. 53-66, 2012.
D. Mani, V. Bhat, K.J. Vinoy, and E. Arunan, Towards a Broadband Chirped Pulse
Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer Indian
Journal of Physics, Volume 86, Number 3, pp. 225-235, 2012.
K.J. Vinoy, Fractal Concepts for Antenna Design
and Analysis, Annals of the Indian National Academy of
Engineering., vol. IX, pp. 97-103, April 2012.
C. Venkatesh, Navakanta Bhat, K.J. Vinoy, and G. Satish, Microelectromechanical torsional
varactors with low parasitic capacitances and high dynamic range,
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3-
SPIE), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2012
Ranajit Sai, Suresh Kulkarni, K.J. Vinoy,
Navakanta Bhat, and S.A. Shivashankar, ZnFe2O4: Rapid
and sub 100C synthesis and Anneal-tuned magnetic properties,
J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22 (5), 2149-2156
D. Packiaraj, K. J. Vinoy, and A. T. Kalghatgi. Approximate synthesis formulas for
microstrip line with defected ground and its application International
Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engg.,
Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 124-130, Jan 2012.
K.A. Berthe and K.J. Vinoy, A new method for segmentation using
fractal properties of images, International
Journal of Electronics & Communication Technologies, pp. 23-28, Vol 2
Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2011
Poonam Goel and K.J. Vinoy, A low cost approach for the
fabrication of microwave phase shifter on laminates,
Microsystem Technologies
(Springer), Vol. 17, No 10-11, pp. 1653-1660, 2011.
[http://www.springerlink.com/ content/y17l0558801886xj/]
D. Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh, A.T. Kalghatgi, Varsha Chaware, and G.
J. Phatak, LTCC Ultrawideband Filter,
Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett.-Wiley Vol. 53, No. 11, pp.
2580-2583, Nov. 2011.
41. Sudhanshu
Shekhar, K.J. Vinoy, and G.K. Ananthasuresh, Switching and release time analysis
of electrostatically actuated capacitive RF MEMS switches,
Sensors & Transducers, Vol.130, Issue 7, pp.77-90, July 2011.
P. Goel and K.J. Vinoy, A low-cost phased array antenna
integrated with phase shifters cofabricated on the
laminate, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol.
30, 255-277, 2011.
D. Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, A.T. Kalghatgi and M. Ramesh, Design of Compact Low Pass Filter
with Wide Stop Band using Tri-section Stepped Impedance Resonator,
Int. J. Electronics & Communications, Vol. 65, No. 12, pp.
1012-1014, Dec 2011.. [Available online 16 April 2011]
D. Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi, High selectivity miniaturized
broadband filter, Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett, vol. 53,
No. 1, pp. 184-187, Jan 2011.
V.G. Kasebagoudar and K.J. Vinoy, Coplanar Capacitively Coupled Probe
Fed Microstrip Antennas for Wideband Applications,
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 58, no.
10, no. pp. 3131-3138, Oct. 2010.
M.N. Sujatha, and K.J. Vinoy, A stacked ring-patch artificial
substrate to improve the antenna performance, Progress
in Electromagnetics Research C, PIERC vol. 15, pp. 75-87, 2010.
M. Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy, and S.K. Datta, Analysis of ridge-loaded
folded-waveguide slow-wave structures for broadband traveling-wave tubes,
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices. vol. 57 No. 6. pp. 1440-1446, 2010.
Vedaprabhu B and K.J. Vinoy, An integrated wideband
multifunctional antenna using a microstrip patch with two U-slots,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, vol. 22., pp. 221-235, 2010
M. Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy, and S.K. Datta, Analysis of serpentine
folded-waveguide slow-wave structure using elliptical conformal transformation,
Int. J. Electronics and Communications, vol. 65, pp. 161-164, Mar. 2010.
D. Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi, Design of a compact wideband
bandpass filter, Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett. Pp.
1387-1389, vol. 52 Issue 6 2010.
K.J. Vinoy
and A Pal, Dual frequency Characteristics of Minkowski-Square Ring Antennas,
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 4 (2). pp. 219-224,
M. Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy, and S.K. Datta, A simple equivalent circuit analysis
of rectangular folded-waveguide slow-wave structure, AEU
Int. J. Electronics and Communications, vol.
64, pp. 1192-1194, Dec 2009.
G.D. Makwana and K.J. Vinoy, Design of a compact rectangular
dielectric resonator antenna at 2.4GHz, Progress
in Electromagnetics Research PIER-C vol. 11, page
69-79, 2009
D. Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, and A.T. Kalghatgi, Analysis and design of a two-layered
layer ultra wide band filter Journal
of Electromagnetic Waves & Applications, vol.
23, 8/9, pp. 1235-1243, 2009
D. Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, and A.T. Kalghatgi, Analysis and design of a compact
multi-layer ultra wide band filter Progress
in Electromagnetics Research C, PIERC, Vol. 7, pp.
111-123, 2009.
S. Behera and K.J. Vinoy, Microstrip Square Ring Antenna for
Dual-Band operation Progress in Electromagnetics
PIER 93, pp. 41-56, 2009
V.G. Kasabegoudar and K.J. Vinoy, A broadband suspended microstrip
antenna for circular polarization, Progress
in Electromagnetics Research PIER 90, page 353-368, 2009
24. K.J.
and P.U. Reddy, Design of narrowband bandpass filter
on coplanar waveguide using spiral slots, Progress
in Electromagnetics Research- Letters PIERL 6, pp.
139-148, 2009 [http://ceta.mit.edu/pierl/pier. php?paper=08122703].
S.K. Gupta and K.J. Vinoy, A compact defected ground microstrip
device with photonic bandgap effects, Journal
of Electromagnetic Waves & Applications, vol. 23, No. 2/3, pp. 255-266,
M. Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy and S.K.
Datta, Equivalent Circuit Analysis of
Serpentine Folded-waveguide Slow-wave Structures for Millimeter-Wave
Traveling-Wave Tubes, Int. J. Infrared and Milli., vol.30,
M. Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy and S.K.
Datta, Analysis of Rectangular
Folded-Waveguide Millimeter-Wave Slow-wave Structures using Conformal
Transformations, Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol.
30, pp. 294-301, 2009
A Pal, S. Behera, and K.J. Vinoy, Design of Multi-frequency Microstrip
Antennas using Multiple Rings, IET Microwaves,
Antennas & Propagation, vol. 3, pp. 77-84, 2009.
M.R. Solanki, Usha Kiran K., and K.J. Vinoy, Broadband Designs of a
Triangular Microstrip Antenna with a Capacitive Feed, J. Microwaves,
Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 44-53,
June 2008.
Veeresh G.K. and K.J. Vinoy, A Wideband
Microstrip Antenna With Symmetric Radiation
Patterns, Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, pp. 1991-1995,
vol. 50, Aug 2008
Veeresh G.K. D.S. Upadhyay, and K.J. Vinoy,
Design studies of ultra-wideband microstrip antennas with a Small capacitive
feed, Int. J. Antennas Propagat. 2007. [http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijap/volume-2007/]
K. Sengupta and K.J. Vinoy, A New Measure of Lacunarity for Generalized
Fractals and its Impacts in Electromagnetic Behavior of Generalized Koch Dipole
Antennas, Fractals Vol. 14, No. 4, 271-282.
I. Paul and K.J. Vinoy, Design optimization of micromachined
ferroelectric based phase shifter using modified ground coplanar waveguide, Microwave
& Optical Technology Letters, vol. 46, pp. 185-188, 2005
R.S. Kshetrimayum, L. Zhu, and K.J. Vinoy, Equivalent material parameter
extraction of double strip loaded waveguide, IEICE Electronics Express,
vol. 2, pp. 165-169, 2005
V.K Varadan, J. Xie, K.J.
Vinoy, and H. Yoon, Nano- and micro-devices for performance improvement of
SSP system, URSI Radio Science Bulletin- pp. 36-47, Sept 2004.
K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose and V.K. Varadan, Impact
of fractal dimension in the design of multi-resonant fractal antennas, Fractals,
vol. 12, pp. 55-66, 2004.
1995- 2003
K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose and V.K. Varadan,
Generalized design of multi-resonant dipole antennas
using Koch curves, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal.
pp. 22-31, vol 19, no. 1a, 2004.
T. Ji, K.J. Vinoy, and V.K. Varadan, Use of polymer and ceramic thin film materials to reduce the
actuation voltage of distributed MEMS phase shifter, Smart Materials and
Structures, vol. 12 No 6 pp. N9-N13 Dec. 2003.
H. Yoon, K.J. Vinoy, and V.K. Varadan, Design
and development of micromachined bilateral interdigital coplanar waveguide RF
phase shifter compatible with LDMOS voltage controller on Silicon, Smart
Materials and Structures, vol. 12, pp. 769-775, 2003.
K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose and V.K. Varadan, On the
relationship between fractal dimension and the performance of multi-resonant
dipole antennas using Koch curves, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.,
vol. 51, pp. 2296-2303, 2003.
K.J. Vinoy and V.K. Varadan, Design of
reconfigurable fractal antennas and RF-MEMS for space-based systems, Smart
Materials and Structures, vol. 10, pp. 1211-1223, 2001
T.S. Ji, K.J. Vinoy, and V.K. Varadan,
Distributed MEMS phase shifters by microstereolithography
on silicon substrates for microwave and millimeter wave applications, Smart
Mater. & Struct., vol. 10, pp. 1224-1229, 2001
K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Hilbert curve fractal antenna: a small resonant
antenna for VHF/UHF applications, Microwave & Optical Technology Letters,
vol. 29, pp. 215-219, 2001.
P.T. Teo, K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan,
V.V. Varadan, and Y.B. Gan, Design and development of
tunable multi-layer smart antennas using ferroelectric materials, J.
Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 11, no. 4 pp. 294-299,
Apr 2000.
V.K. Varadan, K.A. Jose, K.J. Vinoy, and V.V. Varadan, Semiconductor polymer based RF MEMS and its
applications to microwave systems, Journal of Wave-Material
Interaction, vol. 15, pp. 44-58, 2000.
K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Gain-enhanced electronically tunable microstrip
patch antenna, Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, vol. 23, pp.
368-370, 1999.
K.J. Vinoy and R.M. Jha, Trends in radar absorbing materials technology,
Sadhana-Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., vol. 20, pt. 5, pp. 815-850, 1995.
Conference/Symposia Back
to TOP
S. Ruchi Kerketta and K. J. Vinoy, "Dual Channel Diplexer based on Stepped Impedance Filter and Microstrip Open-Loop Resonator," 2023 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), December 11-14, 2023, Ahmedabad, India.
Saurav Roy, Maheeja Maddegalla, Venkataramana Avabhrath, Suhaas B Batapatti, K J Vinoy, “A mmWave Phased Array for Joint Radar and Communication,” 2023 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), December 11-14, 2023, Ahmedabad, India.
Athul Shaji, K. J. Vinoy, "Single-Shot Method for the Analysis of Non-Linear Circuits in the Time-Domain", 2023 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Oct 30-Nov 02, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
G. Dhaundia and K. J. Vinoy, "Fast Analysis of Reconfigurable Array Using Effective Media Properties of Unit-Cells," 2023 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Oct 30-Nov 02, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
A. Roy, N. Martin, C. Quendo, K. J. Vinoy and S. Mallegol, "A Tilted-Beam Archimedean Spiral Antenna for Wideband Applications," 2023 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA), Genoa, Italy, 2023, pp. 568-572, doi: 10.1109/CAMA57522.2023.10352739.
Kiran R, Vinoy KJ. A Stochastic Radial Point Interpolation Method for Uncertainty Analysis in Geometry. In 2023 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO) 2023 Jun 28 (pp. 184-186). IEEE.
S Roy, A. Roy, and KJ. Vinoy, “Implementation of Noncoherent Media-Based Modulation With a Reconfigurable Metasurface,” 2022 IEEE Microwaves Antennas and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Bengaluru, Dec 12-16, 2022.
A. Augustine and KJ Vinoy, “A Wideband Substrate Integrated Waveguide Bandpass Filter for 5G Millimeter Wave Transceiver,” 2022 IEEE Microwaves Antennas and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Bengaluru, Dec 12-16, 2022.
S. Deshmukh and KJ Vinoy, “Design and Development of RADAR for Detection of Drones and UAVs” 2022 IEEE Microwaves Antennas and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Bengaluru, Dec 12-16, 2022.
K Neema, A Manoharan, KJ Vinoy, DD Krishna, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for Highly Efficient Electromagnetic Functionality,” 2022 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Conference, 2022
A. Roy, K. J. Vinoy, N. Martin, C. Quendo, and S. Mallégol. "Performance Enhancement of A Compact Archimedean Spiral Antenna for 2-18 GHz." In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), pp. 289-290. IEEE, 2021.
Vinoy, “Design of Front-End Modules for MMwave 5G
Communication,” Presented at URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science,
Varanasi, 12-14 Feb 2020.
Supantha Sen, Anand Kalwar,
K.J Vinoy, T.V Prabhakar, and V Chandrasekar, “FMCW Radars for Volume
Scattering from Precipitation,” Presented at URSI Regional Conference on Radio
Science, Varanasi, 12-14 Feb 2020.
Abhijith BN and K.J. Vinoy,
“Uncertainty Quantification Due to Geometric Variations in
Dielectric Resonator Circuits,” presented at IEEE International
Microwave and RF Conference, Mumbai, Dec 12-14, 2019.
Kochar and K.J. Vinoy, “An Analysis of Achievable Highest SLL in Moderate
Phased Arrays with Quantized Control,” presented at IEEE International
Microwave and RF Conference, Mumbai, Dec 12-14, 2019.
Kochar and K.J. Vinoy, “SLL Degradation due to Quantized Phase Control in
Moderate Phased Arrays,” presented at IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and
Propagation, Ahmedabad, Dec 19-22, 2019.
Roy and KJ Vinoy, A Reconfigurable Array, 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Oct 1-3, 2019, pp. 880-883,
Kumar, KJ Vinoy, “Design and Implementation of High Frequency and Large Group
Delay Bridged-T All Pass Network,” 2019 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Oct 1-3, 2019, pp. 376-379,
KJ Vinoy
and G Hemanth, Stochastic Collocation based FEM Procedure for Terahertz
Structures, Presented at USRI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference, March
9-19, 2019.
Abhijith BN and K J Vinoy, Stochastic Finite Element
Method for Electromagnetic Material Property Variations Over Multiple
Subdomains, Presented at USRI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference, March
9-19, 2019.
TR Sureshkumar and KJ Vinoy, Design of 4 GHz 1-Bit
Phase Quantized Beam Steering Transmitarray,
Presented at USRI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference, March 9-19, 2019.
Jos K T and Vinoy K J FEM based Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in
Electromagnetics, presented at IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and
Propagation, Hyderabad, Dec 16-19, 2018.
Abhijith B N and Vinoy K J Spectral Stochastic Edge
Element Method for Complex EM Problems, presented at IEEE Indian Conference on
Antennas and Propagation, Hyderabad, Dec 16-19, 2018.
KJ Vinoy and Anuj Malik Efficient Synthesis of Scanned Conformal Arrays with Chebyschev Patterns, presented at IEEE Indian Conference on
Antennas and Propagation, Hyderabad, Dec 16-19, 2018.
Suresh Kumar T R and Vinoy K J, Tri-Band Band-Stop Frequency Selective Surface
using Tortuous Jerusalem Cross with Angularly Stable Response, presented at
IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Hyderabad, Dec 16-19,
Vijayashree Bhat, Vinod Jacob, Rakesh M.R, K J Vinoy
and T.V Prabhakar Design of a High Gain Antenna for a Passive Radar, presented
at IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Hyderabad, Dec 16-19,
Raja Sharma, Prakhar Jain and KJ Vinoy, Design of a Compact PIFA for Telemetry
Applications, presented at IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
Hyderabad, Dec 16-19, 2018.
Vinod Kurian Jacob, Rakesh M. R., T. V. Prabhakar and K.J. Vinoy, RF System
Design for Passive Detection of Humans, presented at IEEE International
Microwave and RF Conference, Kolkatta, Nov 28-30,
Srijan Datta and K. J. Vinoy Design of a Compact
Radio Frequency Cavity Resonator as a Sensor for Dielectric Liquids presented
at IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference, Kolkatta,
Nov 28-30, 2018.
Aritra Roy and K Vinoy, A
Reconfigurable Screen in the Antenna Nearfield for Media-Based Modulation
Scheme, presented at IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference, Kolkatta, Nov 28-30, 2018.
A. Bansiwal, S. Raina, S. K. Datta and K. J. Vinoy, "Effect of surface
roughness on bandwidth of a high frequency multiple beam klystron," 2018
3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP), Dhanbad, 2018,
pp. 1-2.
Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, KJ Vinoy and SK Datta, An Equivalent Circuit Analysis
of a High Frequency Rectangular Reentrant Cavity,
National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices & Applications-2017, IIT
Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, 17-19 Nov,
Ashok Bansiwal, Sushil Raina, KJ Vinoy and SK Datta, , An Investigation on
Quality Factor of a High Frequency Multiple Beam Klystron Cavity, National
Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices & Applications -2017, IIT Roorkee,
Uttarakhand, India, 17-19 Nov, 2017.
S.A. Sivaram and K. J. Vinoy, "A hybrid structured-unstructured meshing
approach for time domain EM analysis of curved geometries," 2017 Progress
In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), St. Petersburg, 2017,
pp. 3739-3745.
V. Monga and K. J. Vinoy, "Equal sidelobe patterns for microstrip patch
antenna arrays," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations
& Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications (iAIM), Bangalore, 2017, pp. 1-5.
Pritom J. Bora, K. J. Vinoy, Kishore, Praveen C. Ramamurthy, Giridhar Madras,
Lightweight Microwave Absorber from Industrial Waste Fly Ash Cenosphere, Advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy pp
459-466,/Springer Lect. Notes Electrical Engg., 435, 45
K.K. Khanum, P.J. Bora, K.J. Vinoy and P.C. Ramamurthy, "Evaluation of
electromagnetic interference shielding using Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)
Polystyrene sulfonate blend," 2016 3rd International Conference on
Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Mumbai, 2016, pp. 1-4.
P.J. Bora, I. Azeem, K. J. Vinoy, P. C. Ramamurthy and G. Madras,
"Microwave absorption property of PVB-polyaniline nanocomposite,"
2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kuala Lumpar,
2017, pp. 674-677.
Vijayashree Bhat, Ritesh Kumar and KJ Vinoy, Wideband Monopulse
Antenna System for Short Range CW RADAR Application, Presented
at Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Kuala Lumpur, 2017.
Ritesh Kumar and KJ Vinoy, Signal Diversity Using Reconfigurable All Pass
Networks for Wideband Systems, Presented at Asia Pacific Microwave Conference
Kuala Lumpur, 2017
Datta, A Jose, KJ Vinoy, Design of an ultra high
frequency wireless charging station, 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON),
Bangalore, 16-18 Dec 2016.
Y Syed, BG Hegde, TV Prabhakar, M Manjunath, KJ Vinoy, RF energy harvesting
chip powered sensor node, 2016 IEEE International, Electronics, Circuits and
Systems (ICECS), Monte Carlo Monaco, 11-14 Dec 2016.
A Murugkar, R Panigrahi, KJ
Vinoy, A novel approach for high Q microwave re-entrant cavity resonator at
S-band, 2016 IEEE MTTS Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), New Delhi, 5-6
Dec 2016.
R Kumar, P Keerthan, KJ Vinoy, Design of wideband
semi-lumped all-pass network for linear group delay response, 2016 IEEE MTTS
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), New Delhi, 5-6 Dec 2016
R Panigrahi, KJ Vinoy, MJ Thomas, A low cost approach
for realization of W band folded waveguide travelling wave tube, 2016 IEEE MTTS
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), New Delhi, 5-6 Dec 2016.
P Keerthan, R Kumar, KJ Vinoy, Wide-band real-time
frequency measurement using compressive receiver, 2016 International Conference
on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore, 12-15 June
R Panigrahi, KJ Vinoy, MJ Thomas, Multiple square
beam hole slow wave structure at W band, 2016 IEEE International Vacuum
Electronics Conference (IVEC), Montery, CA, USA,
19-21 April 2016
Sanjeev K, M Machnoor, KJ Vinoy, TV Prabhakar, A High
Efficiency 2.4 GHz RF to DC Converter using 130nm CMOS Cross-Coupled Rectifier,
2016 Twenty Second National Conference on Communication (NCC), Guwahati, 4-6
March 2016
Srinaga Nikhil N and KJ
Vinoy, Design of a compact dual-band antenna for RF power transfer in an
aircraft fuel tank, Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2015 IEEE,
Guwahati, 18-21, Dec 2015
Shukla, Srinaga Nikhil N, KJ Vinoy, Radiation
efficiencies of a compact planar antenna with different meander line
configurations, Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2015 IEEE,
Guwahati, 18-21, Dec 2015
Sanjeev, M Machnoor, KJ Vinoy, TV Prabhakar, Some practical considerations of RF to DC converter using
low Vth CMOS rectifier, Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2015 IEEE,
Guwahati, 18-21, Dec 2015
Rana, TV Prabhakar, KJ Vinoy, An efficient
architecture for battery-less terminals for internet of things, Applied
Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2015 IEEE, Guwahati, 18-21, Dec 2015
Kumar, P Keerthan, KJ Vinoy, Design of wideband tunable dispersive delay using cascaded all pass networks,
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC),
pp. 109-112, 10-12 Dec 2015
Agrawal, KJ Vinoy, Microstrip coupled line bandpass filter using quasi minkowski fractal shape for suppression of the second
harmonic, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), pp. 109-112, 10-12 Dec 2015
Jose, N John, P Jain, P Raja, TV Prabhakar, KJ Vinoy, RF powered integrated
system for IoT applications, 2015 IEEE 13th International New Circuits and
Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2015
Kumar Singh, K.J. Vinoy and S. Gopalakrishnan, A Reduced Order Model for
Electromagnetic Scattering using Multilevel Krylov
Subspace Splitting, IEEE International Conference n
Computational Electromagnetics ICCEM, Hong Kong, February 2-5, 2015
Prabhakar, U. Mysore, U.S. Saini, K.J. Vinoy and B. Amruthur,
NFC products for pervasive healthcare, VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
Conference, Bangalore, Jan. 3-7, 2015.
Kumar, S. Nikhil and KJ Vinoy, Design of a Compact Antenna for the Wireless
Networking of Energy Meters, National Symposium on Antennas & Propagation,
APSYM 2014, Kochi, Dec 17-19, 2014
N. Sujatha and K. J. Vinoy, Bistatic RCS measurement for an electromagnetic
absorber using a stacked ring-patch array, National Symposium on Antennas &
Propagation, APSYM 2014, Kochi, Dec 17-19, 2014
Shekhar, G.K. Ananthasuresh, K.J. Vinoy, Design, Fabrication and
Characterization of A Capacitive RF MEMS Switch with a
Very-Low Pull-In Voltage, IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference,
Bangalore, Dec 15-17, 2014 (Finalist for Best Student Paper Contest)
Keerthan P, Abhay Kumar,
K.J. Vinoy, Real-Time Frequency Discriminator Using Two Stage All-Pass Network,
IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference, Bangalore, Dec 15-17, 2014.
(Shortlisted for Best Paper Prize Presentation)
Kumar Singh, K.J. Vinoy and S. Gopalakrishnan, Efficient Finite Element Model
Order Reduction of Electromagnetic Systems using Fast Converging
Jacobi-Davidson Iteration, IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference,
Bangalore, Dec 15-17, 2014
Selvanayaki K, V.
Ramachandra, and K.J. Vinoy, Planar Micro-Wire Array with Microwave Plasma
Frequency and Use of its Near Zero ε for Antenna Gain Enhancement,
IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference, Bangalore, Dec 15-17,
Hemanth, K.J. Vinoy and S. Gopalakrishnan, Spectral Stochastic Finite Element
Method for Periodic Structure, IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference,
Bangalore, Dec 15-17, 2014. (Winner Best Student Paper Contest)
Shekhar, G. K. Ananthasuresh, K. J. Vinoy, Fabrication and Characterization of
High-Isolation Low Pull-in Voltage Shunt Capacitive RF MEMS Switches, ISSS
International Conference on Smart Materials Structures & Systems, Bangalore
July 8-11, 2014.
Bommer, A. Robb, R. Martinez, S. Ramamurthy, J.
Harrigan, H. Muniganti, V. Mannangi
and K.J. Vinoy, Wireless Aircraft Fuel Quantity Indication System, 2014 Sensors
Applications Symposium, Rydges Lakeland Resort
Queenstown, New Zealand, Feb 18-20,2014.
Sujatha and KJ Vinoy, A Thin Radar Absorbing Material using a Stacked
Ring-Patch Array Presented at IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference AEMC
2014, at Bhubaneshwar, Dec 18-20, 2013.
Harikiran Muniganti and KJ Vinoy, Design of Ultra
Wideband Conformal Antenna Array on a Concave Surface for Medical
Imaging Applications, Presented at IEEE Applied
Electromagnetics Conference AEMC 2014, at Bhubaneshwar, Dec 18-20, 2013.
Harikiran Muniganti, Vivekanand Mannangi,
KJ Vinoy, JP Bommer and SE Marston, Immersible
Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting, Presented at IEEE
Applied Electromagnetics Conference AEMC 2014, at Bhubaneshwar, Dec 18-20,
M., R. Kumar, P. Muralidharan,TV
Prabhakar and KJ Vinoy, Carpet Integrated RF Front-end for an RFID System for
Endurance Tests, Presented at IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference AEMC
2014, at Bhubaneshwar, Dec 18-20, 2013.
Kumar, K.J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, Jacobi-Davidson Iteration based Reduced
Order Finite Element Models for Radar Cross-Section, Presented
at IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference AEMC 2014, at Bhubaneshwar, Dec
18-20, 2013.
Kumar, K. J. Vinoy and S. Gopalakrishnan, Augmented Krylov
Model Order Reduction for Finite Element Approximation of Plane Wave Scattering
Problems, Presented at IEEE International Microwave & RF Conference, Dec
14-16, 2013.
Packiaraj, K. J. Vinoy, Subha Laxmi Rath, M. Ramesh
and A. T. Kalghatgi, Ultra Wide
Band Filter Using Shorted Meandered Coupled Lines and Stepped Line Stubs,
International Radar Symposum 2013, Dec 10-14, 2013,
Shetty, K J Vinoy, S B Krupanidhi, Effect of
Electrode Geometry and Presence of Au Nanoparticles on
Properties of GaN based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal
(MSM) Ultraviolet (UV) Photodetectors, Presented at ISSS National Conference on
MEMS Smart Materials and Systems, Sept 6-7, 2013.
Panigrahi, Gopal Hegde, K J Vinoy, Joy Thomas M.,
Design and Fabrication of Serpentine Travelling Wave Tube at THz Frequencies,
Presented at ISSS National Conference on MEMS Smart Materials and Systems, Sept
6-7, 2013.
Bose and K.J. Vinoy, Group delay engineering using uascaded
all pass filters for wideband chirp waveform generation, 2013 IEEE
International Conference on Electronics, Computing, Communication Technologies,
Bangalore, Jan 16-17, 2013.
Sai, S.D. Kulkarni, K.J. Vinoy, N. Bhat, S. A. Shivashankar, CMOS-compatible
and scalable deposition of nanocrystalline zinc ferrite thin films to improve
the per area inductance of integrated RF inductor, 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Jan 14-18, 2013, Chicago, IL, USA
N.Kumar, K.J.Vinoy, S.Gopalakrishnan, A
Model Order Reduction Method and its Application in Wideband Wave Propagation
Studies through General Media,National Symposium on
Antennas & Propagation, APSYM 2012, Kochi, Dec 17-19, 2012
Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh, and A.T. Kalghatgi, DGS based Ultra Wide
Band Filter, International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2012, Dec 7-10, 2012
N.Kumar, K.J.Vinoy, S.Gopalakrishnan, A
Model Order Reduction Method and its Application for Finite Element Analysis of
Inhomogeneous Slabs,International Symposium on
Microwaves, ISM 2012,Dec 7-10, 2012
Sujatha and K.J. Vinoy, Compact Polarization Dependent EBG Surface with Fractal
Boundary Patches, Accepted for APCAP Singapore, 27-29 Aug. 2012
Behera and K.J. Vinoy, Multi-port network modeling of
stub loaded Microstrip ring antenna for dual-band operations, Accepted for
APCAP Singapore, 27-29 Aug. 2012
Vijayashree Bhat and K.J.
Vinoy, Studies on Ultra Wideband Triangular Patch
Antennas for Imaging Applications, Accepted for APCAP Singapore, 27-29 Aug.
Sudhanashu Shekar, K.J.
Vinoy and G.K. Ananthasuresh, Switching and release dynamics of an
electrostatically actuated MEMS switch under the influence of squeeze film
damping, TechConnect World Conference and Expo, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A,
June 18-21 2012
Sai, S. D. Kulkarni, K. J. Vinoy, N. Bhat, S. A. Shivashankar, Rapid CMOS
compatible ZnFe2O4 film deposition for enhanced inductance of integrated RF
inductors, Submitted to More than Moore: Novel materials approaches for
functionalized Silicon based Microelectronics of the E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting,
Strasbourg (France) from May 14 to 18, 2012.
Sai, S. D. Kulkarni, K. J. Vinoy, N. Bhat, S. A. Shivashankar,
Low-Thermal-Budget Solution Processing of Thin Films of Zinc Ferrite and Other
Complex Oxides, Submitted to MRS Fall Meeting 2012.
Packiaraj, M. Ramesh A.
T. Kalghatgi, and K. J. Vinoy, Analysis of
modified microstrip line and its application, Presented at National Conference
on Communications, Kharagpur, India, January 2012.
Hemanth, K. J. Vinoy, and S. Gopalakrishnan, Spectral
element method for electromagnetic problems, International conference on smart
materials structures and systems 2012, Bangalore, India, Jan 4-7, 2012.
Packiaraj, K. J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh,
A. T. Kalghatgi, Varsha Chaware
and G. J. Phatak, Miniaturized Multi-layer
LTCC RF Broadband devices, International conference on smart materials
structures and systems 2012, Bangalore, India, Jan 4-7, 2012.
Sumathy, K. J. Vinoy and S. K. Datta, Analysis of
rectangular folded waveguide SWS with grating on the broad wall, IEEE
Int. Vacuum electronics conference, Bangalore, India, Feb. 2011
Packiaraj, K. J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh and A. T. Kalghatgi A multi-layer ultra
wide band power splitter, International Radar Sympisum
India 2011, Bangalore, India, Dec 1-4, 2011.
Packiaraj, K. J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh and A. T. Kalghatgi Elliptic shaped resonators for UWB
filter, International conference on RF and Wireless
2011, Seremban, Malaysia, Dec 12-13, 2011.
Vinoy, Multifunctional Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Applications, IEEE
Applied Electromagnetics Conference (IEEE AEMC) and IEEE Indian Antenna Week
(IEEE IAW), Dec 18-22, 2011.
Subhrakanta Behera and K.
J. Vinoy, Multi-port Network Modeling for Fractal
Shape Microstrip Antenna, Accepted at International Symposium on Antennas &
Propagation, Korea Oct 25-28, 2011.
Ranajit Sai, Suresh D.
Kulkarni, K. J. Vinoy, Navakanta Bhat, and S. A. Shivashankar, Rapid synthesis
of nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 in solution and its simultaneous high-rate coating
on Si(100): a CMOS-compatible process to enable
integration of ferrites for RFIC, Submitted to MRS Spring Meeting 2011.
S Lal and K.J. Vinoy, Generation of a Short-Duration Ultrawideband
Chirped-Pulse Using CRLH Transmission Lines, Presented at National Conference
on Communications, Bangalore January 2011.
Packiaraj, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi
and K.J. Vinoy, Dual Band (WLAN & WiMAX) suppressed harmonic microstrip
filter with perturbed ground, Presented at National Conference on
Communications, Bangalore January 2011.
M and K.J. Vinoy, Electronically tunable
zero-order resonator based on CRLH-TLs, Presented at National Conference on
Communications, Bangalore January 2011.
Vinoy, New possibilities with multifunctional microstrip antennas for wireless
applications, Invited Paper, National Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
APSYM 2010, Dec 14-17, 2010.
Vijayashree T Bhat, Vedaprabhu B, and K.J Vinoy, Evaluation of the performance
of a multi-band antenna for on-board applications, Presented at Int. Symp. Antennas Propagat., Macao,
China, Nov 23-26, 2010.
Trishna Mandal, Gijo Augustian, and K.J. Vinoy,
Development of a dual band antenna from finite ground coplanar wave guide,
Presented at Int. Symp. Antennas Propagat.,
Macao, China, Nov 23-26, 2010.
Packiaraj, K. J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh, A. T. Kalghatgi And G. J. Phatak, Design of an Ultra-wideband Multi-layer Coupler
Accepted for International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2010, Bangalore, Dec
11-14, 2010.
D. Makwana and K.J. Vinoy Low-profile and Wideband Rectangular Dielectric
Resonator Antenna Accepted for International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2010,
Bangalore, Dec 11-14, 2010.
M. and K.J. Vinoy, Electronically Tunable Band Pass
Filter based on CRLH-TLs, Accepted for International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM
2010, Bangalore, Dec 11-14, 2010.
M. Prabhu and K. J. Vinoy, Design of ultra wide band
pass filter based on composite right/left handed
transmission lines, Accepted for International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM
2010, Bangalore, Dec 11-14, 2010
Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy, and S.K. Datta, Analysis of a
ridge-loaded rectangular folded-waveguide SWS, IEEE Int. Vac. Electron. Conf.
Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy, and S.K. Datta, Non-resonant
perturbation formula for interaction impedance measurement for a folded-waveguide
SWS, IEEE Int. Vac. Electron. Conf. 2010
Vedaprabhu B and K.J
Vinoy, A Double U-slot Patch Antenna with Dual Wideband Characteristics,
Presented at National Conference on Communications, IIT Madras, January 2010.
Singh and K. J. Vinoy, Modeling of Propagation
Characteristics of Non-linear Transmission Lines with Loss, Presented at
National Conference on Communications, IIT Madras, January 2010.
Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi, Elliptic slot antenna for Broadband wireless
communications, Presented at for National Conference on Communications, IIT
Madras, January 2010.
Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi, A Compact Two Layer Broadside Coupled UWB
Filter, Presented at Asia Pacefic Microwave Conf.,
Singapore, Dec 7-10, 2009.
Packiaraj, K.J. Vinoy, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi, Design of a compact multi-layer band pass
filter, Presented at Int. Radar Symp. India,
Bangalore, Dec 8-11, 2009.
Makwana and K.J. Vinoy, Wideband Microstrip fed Stacked Rectangular Dielectric
Resonator Antenna for WLAN application, Presented at Int. Symp.
Antennas Propagat., Bangkok, Tailand,
Oct 20-23, 2009.
Kasebegoudar and K.J. Vinoy, Input Impedance Modeling of a Capacitively Coupled Wideband Microstrip
Antenna, Presented at Int. Symp. Antennas Propagat., Bangkok, Tailand, Oct
20-23, 2009.
Goel and K.J. Vinoy, An Electrostatically Actuated Phase Shifter on Printed
Circuit Board for a Low cost Phased Array Antenna,
Presented at ISSS National Conference on MEMS, Oct 17-19, 2009.
Shekhar, K.J. Vinoy and G.K. Anathasuresh,Analysis
of Transient Behavior of Electostatically
Actuated Micromachined Switches Presented at ISSS National Conference on MEMS,
Oct 17-19, 2009.
Kiran K., Sripadaraja K., Mubassira
Banu S.N. and K. J. Vinoy, Design and Development of SPST MEMS Switches,
Presented at National Symposium on Antennas & Propagation APSYM 2006,
Kochi, Dec 29-31, 2008
Sujatha and K.J. Vinoy Planar Multilayer Artificial Substrate to Improve the
Performance of Microstrip Antennas, Presented at International Symposium on
Microwaves, ISM 2008, Bangalore, Dec 3-6, 2008.
Subhrakantha Behera and K.J.
Vinoy, Design of dual frequency microstrip ring antennas, presented at IEEE
International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2008, Bangalore, Dec 3-6, 2008.
Gautam D. and K. J. Vinoy, A Microstrip line fed Rectangular Dielectric
Resonator Antenna for WLAN Applications, Presented at IEEE International
Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2008, Bangalore, Dec 3-6, 2008.
Umakant Goyal, K.J.Vinoy, and Bharadwaj
Amrutur, Narrow band and low insertion loss bandpass filter using open�loop
resonator, presented at IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2008,
Bangalore, Dec 3-6, 2008.
Ooi and K.T. Selvan, and K.J. Vinoy, Multiband
Behaviour of Modified Parany Gasket Monopole
Antennas, Accepted at IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2008,
Bangalore, Dec 3-6, 2008.
Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy and S.K. Datta, An Equivalent
Circuit Analysis for Rectangular Folded-Waveguide SWS, Accepted Symposium on
Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA-2009), January 8-10, 2009, IT
BHU, Varanasi, UP, India.
Kasebegoudar and K.J. Vinoy, A Fractal Shaped
Suspended Microstrip Antenna for Circular Polarization, Accepted APMC 2008, Dec
16-20, 2008, Hongkong, China.
Kumar Gupta and K.J. Vinoy, Miniaturization of Micro strip Photonic Bandgap
Structures, Accepted APMC 2008, Dec 16-20, 2008, Hongkong, China.
Vinoy and B. Sugumaran, A Flexible Design Approach
for a Dual-Frequency Microstrip Ring Antenna, Presented at Int. Symp. Antennas Propagat., Taipei,
Taiwan ROC, Oct 27-30, 2008
Kasebegoudar and K.J. Vinoy, Input Impedance Modeling of a Capacitively Coupled Wideband Microstrip
Antenna, Presented at Int. Symp. Antennas Propagat., Taipei, Taiwan ROC, Oct 27-30, 2008.
Raghunathan, P. Raj kumar, N. Udaya shankar, and K.J.
Vinoy, Ultra wide band low
noise amplifier for low frequency applications in radio astronomy, Accepted for
URSI General Meeting, Chicago, IL USA August 7-16, 2008.
Sumathy, K.J. Vinoy, and S.K. Datta, Analysis of
Serpentine folded-waveguide slow-wave structures by elliptical conformal
transformation, IEEE Int. Vac. Electron. Conf. Montery,
Canada; 22-24 April 2008, pp. 109-110.
Solanki, Usha Kiran K., and K.J. Vinoy, Some studies on broadband triangular
microstrip antennas,�
Presented at MCDES-08. (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; 27-31 May 2008)
Mubassira Banu S.N., K.J.
Vinoy, M.S. Giridhar, and R. Islam, Design and Development Studies of RF MEMS
Switches, presented at Annual Conference of IISc-ISRO Space Technology Cell,
Bangalore, Jan 30-31, 2008.
Roy and K. J. Vinoy, A CAD Based Approach for Design and Optimization of
Periodic Planar Microwave Circuits, presented at CASST�2007 Conference
on Advances in Space Science and Technology, Bangalore, Jan 29-31, 2007.
Jose and K.J. Vinoy, RF MEMS Switches and Their Power Handling Studies, Invited
paper at CASST�2007 Conference
on Advances in Space Science and Technology, Bangalore, Jan 29-31, 2007.
Jose, H.H .Sidhwa and K.J.
Vinoy, and V.K. Lakshmeesha, Design Study of
Micromachined Phase Shifters for Integrated Phased Array Antennas, Invited
paper at CASST�2007 Conference
on Advances in Space Science and Technology, Bangalore, Jan 29-31, 2007.
Pal, Subhrakantha Behera and K.J. Vinoy, A New Feed
Technique for Microstrip Ring Antennas and its Application in Multi-Ring Multi-band Antennas, Presented at National Symposium on Antennas
& Propagation APSYM 2006, Kochi, Dec 14-16, 2006
Dibyant S. Upadhyay, Veeresh G Kasabegoudar, and K.J.
Vinoy, A Capacitive Feed Technique for Microstrip Patch Antennas with Ultrawide
Bandwidth, Presented at National Symposium on Antennas & Propagation APSYM
2006, Kochi, Dec 14-16, 2006
Banu and K.J. Vinoy, Design of a Diamond Shaped micromachined Waveguide for
sub-millimeter wave application, Presented at ISSS
National Conference on Smart Structures and MEMS Systems for Aerospace
Applications, Hyderabad, Dec 1-2, 2006.
Jose and K.J. Vinoy, 'Use of Bulk Micromachining for Improving performance of
Ku-band Microstrip Antennas on Semiconductor Substrates, Presented at ISSS
National Conference on Smart Structures and MEMS Systems for Aerospace
Applications, Hyderabad, Dec 1-2, 2006.
Jose and K.J. Vinoy, Broadband two-element micromachined antenna array with
capacitive feed, Presented at International Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2006,
Bangalore, Dec 15-17, 2006.
Jose and K.J. Vinoy, Design and optimization of broadband micromachined
antenna, Presented at IEEE Indicon 2006, New Delhi,
Sept 15-17, 2006.
C.Venkatesh, K.J.Vinoy, and N. Bhat,
Application of torsional varactor in the design of phase-shifters, Presented at
MEMS NANO, Kharagpur, Dec 20-22, 2005
Sathanur and K.J. Vinoy, A design procedure for
micromachined antennas on semiconductor substrates, IEEE Indicon
2005, Madras, Dec. 11-13, 2005.
Sathanur and K.J. Vinoy, A silicon micromachined
photonic band gap cell: Characteristics and an application, Asia Pacific
Microwave Conference, Suzhou, PRC, Dec. 4-7, 2005.
Koul and K.J. Vinoy, Planar slotted ground structures
for miniaturization of microwave circuits, Presented at URSI General Meeting
Commission C, New Delhi October 2005.
Sathanur and K.J. Vinoy, A two element microstrip
patch antenna array using MEMS technology for
reduced mutual coupling, Presented at URSI General Meeting Commission C, New
Delhi October 2005.
Paul and K.J. Vinoy, Algorithm for fast electromagnetic analysis of microwave
circuits with multiple interacting sections, Presented at URSI General Meeting
Commission C, New Delhi October 2005.
S. Kshetrimayum, A. V. Sathanur and K. J. Vinoy,
Integration of 2-D PBG patterns in ground and substrate with the enhanced
performance, Inter. Symp. Microwaves and Optical
Technology, Japan, August 22-25, 2005.
Vinoy, Micromachined Components for Millimeter- and
Sub-millimeter Wave Systems, (Invited Paper)
Proceedings of ISSS 2005 International Conference on Smart Materials Structures
and Systems, July 28-30, 2005, Bangalore, India.
Arun, R.S. Khetrimayum, and K.J. Vinoy, Performance
enhanced micromachined patch element for monolithic GaAs based active phased
array antenna, International Conf. on Antenna Technologies, February 23-24,
Ahmedabad, 2005
Paul, and K.J. Vinoy, Miniaturized design of a micromachined phase shifter
using modified ground coplanar wave guide, APSYM04 Natl. Symp.
on Antennas & Propagation, Dec. 21-23, 2004, Cochin, India.
Paul, K.J. Vinoy, and S. Mohan, Improved design of a micromachined phase
shifter for millimeter wave phased array
applications, Presented at Inter. Symp. Microwaves,
Sept 1-3, 2004 Bangalore, India.
to 2003
Vinoy, J. K. Abraham, and V.K. Varadan, Fractal
dimension and frequency response of fractal shaped antennas in: IEEE- APS
International Symposium, June 22-27, 2003, Columbus, OH, 2003.
K. Abraham, K.J. Vinoy, R.A. Tellakula, V. K. Varadan, Experimental Results of Planar Meta Materials, in:
IEEE- APS International Symposium, June 22-27, 2003, Columbus, OH, 2003.
Yoon, K. J. Vinoy, J. K. Abraham, and V. K. Varadan,
CPW phase shifter using barium strontium titanate thin film on silicon
substrate, in: IEEE- APS International Symposium, June 22-27, 2003, Columbus,
OH, 2003.
Abraham, R.A. Tellakula, K J Vinoy, Y. Sha, V.K. Varadan, Tailoring the dielectric properties of Meta
Materials, in: IEEE- MTT International Symposium, Philadelphia June 8-13, 2003,
Yoon, K. J. Vinoy, J. K. Abraham, and V. K. Varadan,
Bilateral interdigital CPW phase shifter using BaSrTiO3 thin Film on poly-Si/Si
substrate for steerable antenna architectures, in: SPIE Conf. Smart Electronics
& MEMS. San Diego, CA, 3-6 Mar. 2003. Proceedings vol. 5055, 2003.
Xie, Y. Sha, K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose, and V.K. Varadan, Polymer and carbon nanotube based movable gate on
an organic thin film transistor as a potential accelerometer, in: SPIE Conf.
Smart Electronics & MEMS. San Diego, CA, 3-6 Mar. 2003. Proceedings vol.
5055, 2003.
Tellakula, Y. Sha, K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose, C. Neo,
V.K. Varadan, T.C. Shami,
R. Jain, and D. Lal, Carbon nanotubes, fillers, and FSS as potential EM
absorbers, in: SPIE Conf. Smart Electronics & MEMS. San Diego, CA, 3-6 Mar.
2003. Proceedings vol. 5055, 2003.
Yoon, T. Ji, V.K. Varadan, and K.J. Vinoy, RF MEMS
and reconfigurable antennas for communication systems, in: SPIE Conf. MEMS
Components and Applications for Industry, Automobiles, Aerospace, and
Communication II, San Jose, CA, 25-31 Jan. 2003. Proceedings vol. 4981, 2003.
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, and V.K. Varadan, Multi-band
characteristics and fractal dimension of dipole antennas with Koch curve
geometry in: IEEE- APS International Symposium, San Antonio, TX, 2002.
Ji, K. J. Vinoy, V. K. Varadan, RF MEMS phase
shifters by microstereo lithography on silicon, in:
SPIE Conf. Smart Electronics & MEMS. San Diego, CA, 17-21 Mar. 2002.
Proceedings vol. 4700, 2002.
Sha, K. J. Vinoy, K. A. Jose, C. Neo, V. K. Varadan,
Optimized multilayered graded fractal FSS: micro-genetic
algorothm and comparison with experiment, in: SPIE
Conf. Smart Electronics & MEMS. San Diego, CA, 17-21 Mar. 2002. Proceedings
vol. 4700, 2002.
S. Kim, K. J. Vinoy, V. K. Varadan, Wireless health
monitoring of cracks in structures with MEMS-IDT sensors, in: SPIE Conf. Smart
Electronics & MEMS. San Diego, CA, 17-21 Mar. 2002. Proceedings vol. 4700,
K. Varadan, K. J. Vinoy, V. V. Varadan,
RF MEMS and reconfigurable conformal fractal antennas, in: SPIE Conf.
Electronics and Structures for MEMS. Adelaide, Australia, 17-19 December 2001.
Proceedings vol. 4591, 2001.
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Hilbert curve fractal antennas with reconfigurable
characteristics, in: IEEE- MTT International Symposium, Phoenix May 20-25,
2001, Digest, vol, 1, pp. 381-384, 2001.
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Resonant frequency of Hilbert curve fractal
antennas, In: IEEE- AP-S International Symposium, Boston, July 8-13, 2001 Digest vol. III, pp. 648-651, 2001.
Jose, H. Yoon, K.J. Vinoy, P. Sharma, V.K. Varadan,
and V.V. Varadan, Low voltage tunable
capacitors for RF MEM filters and antenna applications, In: IEEE- AP-S
International Symposium, Boston, July 8-13, 2001 vol.
III, pp. 670-673, 2001.
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Micromachined systems for RF and microwave antenna
applications In: SPIE Conf. Smart Electronics &
MEMS. Newport beach, CA, 4-8 Mar. 2001. Proceedings, vol. 4334, 2001
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Optimized multilayered
wideband absorbers with graded fractal FSS In: SPIE Conf. Smart Electronics
& MEMS. Newport beach, CA, 4-8 Mar. 2001. Proceedings, vol. 4334, 2001
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Small resonant fractal antennas In:
SPIE Conf. Smart Electronics & MEMS. Newport beach, CA, 4-8 Mar. 2001.
Proceedings, vol. 4334, 2001
Yoon, Y. Sha, P. Sharma, K.J. Vinoy, V.K. Varadan,
and V.V. Varadan, Performance Improvement of RF MEMS
Capacitive Switch with High dielectric constant materials In:
SPIE Conf. Smart Electronics & MEMS. Newport beach, CA, 4-8 Mar. 2001.
Proceedings, vol. 4334, 2001
Varadan, K.J. Vinoy, H. Yoon, K.A. Jose, and V.V. Varadan, Application of MEMS in Microwave and Millimeter wave Systems In: SPIE Conf. on Smart
Electronics & MEMS, Melbourne Australia, Dec. 2000, pp. 179-187, 2001.
Varadan, K.J. Vinoy, and V.V. Varadan,
RF MEMS for Reconfigurable Conformal Antennas In: SPIE Conf. on Smart
Electronics & MEMS, Melbourne Australia, Dec. 2000, pp. 194-203, 2001.
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, and V.K. Varadan, A novel wideband
conformal antenna with fractal geometry, Proceedings of APSYM 2000, Dec. 6-8 2000, pp. 28-31, 2000.
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, and V.K. Varadan, Self similarity and multi-band characteristics of Hilbert
curve fractal antennas, Proceedings of APSYM 2000, Dec. 6-8
2000, pp. 36-39, 2000.
Varadan, K.A. Jose, K.J. Vinoy, and V.V. Varadan, Semiconductor polymer-based RF MEMS and its
applications to microwave systems, In: Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 3990, pp.
43-52, 2000.
Vinoy, K.A. Jose, V.K. Varadan, and V.V. Varadan, Conformal and Reconfigurable fractal antennas, In:
Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 3990, pp. 129-137, 2000.
Varadan, K.J. Vinoy, K.A. Jose, and V.V. Varadan, Conformal fractal antenna and FSS for low-RCS
applications, In: Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 3990, pp. 138-145, 2000.
K.J. Vinoy and
R.M. Jha, Parallelization strategies for the UTD codes, IEEE Antennas and Propagat. Society, AP-S Intern. Symp.,
June 18-23, 1995, pp. 1926-1929, 1995.
Technical Reports Top
K.J. Vinoy, S. Jose, and V.K. Lakshmeesha,
An Exploratory Study on Micromachined Microstrip Patch Antennas on
Semiconductor Substrates, Tech. Rep. No. ISTC 154, 71 p. Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, March 2006.
K.J. Vinoy and V.K. Lakshmeesha,
Design Study of Micromachined Phase Shifters for Integrated Phased Array
Antennas, Tech. Rep. No. ISTC 170, 58 p. Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, March 2007.
K.J. Vinoy, Investigations for Design Rules of
Multi-band Antennas using Fractal Geometries, Tech. Rep. No.
DSTO/EEC/KJV/576, 110 p. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, April
K.J. Vinoy, Design and Development of Fractal shaped
Antennas for 1-18 GHz Operation, Tech. Rep. No. DLRL/EEC/KJV/002, 95 p.
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, March 2008.
K.J. Vinoy, Design and Development of SPDT RF MEMS
Switches, Tech. Rep. No. RCIO/EEC/KJV/001, 42 p. Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore, July 2008.
K.J. Vinoy and R. Islam, Design and Development RF
MEMS Switch, Tech. Rep. No. ISTC 188, 48 p. Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, March 2009.
Copyright and all rights therein of the works listed here are
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not be reposted/published/copied without the explicit permission of the
copyright holders. Those copying full-text publications from the above
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portal and upload their information using an online form.
As part of a new initiative, IISc is offering excellent opportunities for post doctoral research. Please
see details here. Email me for the consent letter before applying.
may contact me through email before applying.
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IISc offers the best interdisciplinary research environment for graduate research in India. Those with strong motivation for research in areas mentioned above are particularly encouraged to apply online through IISc admissions website when available and alert me by email.
Research admissions are done through interviews held in May/November every year. Please apply for ECE Department if you wish to work in microwave antennas, circuits and other related areas mentioned above. Apart from clear understanding of electromagnetics and microwave theory, appropriate preparation in engineering mathematics topics would be necessary to clear these interviews. Please note that, IISc offers Direct PhD admissions for students with BE/BTech/MSc degree or equivalent with a valid GATE score. Students from CFTI, meeting CGPA requirements may also apply. Those with a Masters degree also do not require a new GATE score to apply.
I can support admission under the external registration program (ERP) for working professionals and quality improvement program (QIP) of academic faculty members. Faculty of AICTE approved Institutes may apply through the Quality Improvement Program (3 years at IISc, funded by AICTE) or External Registration program (1 term at IISc, research work to be carried out at the parent Institute/College, not at IISc). I am also willing to take research candidates through regular admissions. [Nov 2024] Looking for a student to work on microwave imaging- possibly sing AI/ML techniques to reconstruct images ontained from microwave measurements using antenna with a metasurface.
Typically, admissions
are announced in late-January of every year. Mid-term admissions are
announced for PhD programs in late-September.
Short term internships may be considered for 3rd year undergraduate Engineering students with excellent academic track record, enrolled in reputed institutes. No financial support will be provided to these students. Hostel accommodation can not be arranged for these visitors. First or Second year undergraduate students will not be considered.
Masters students enrolled in other institutions may contact for short term internships for their project on topics of interest to our group.
Project Staff
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Project Assistant/Associate Positions: (Nov 2024) Currently we have a position available. Candidates with (i) digital/embedded circuit design or (ii) Antenna design and evaluation or (iii) python and VHDL programming experience preferred.
updated on Nov 15, 2024