Utpal Mukherji
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) 1980, IIT Bombay;
S.M., E.E., Sc.D. (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 1982, 1984, 1986, MIT;
Member of Technical Staff, Distributed Systems Research Dept., AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, 1986-1989;
Faculty Member, ECE Dept., IISc, since 1989; currently Professor.
Modelling, analysis, control, and optimisation of Communication Networks.
Selected Publications - Vineeth B.S, U. Mukherji, "Asymptotic bounds on the power-delay tradeoff for fading point-to-point links from geometric bounds on the stationary distribution of the queue length,", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61(11), pp. 6145-6167, Nov. 2015.
- S.C. Kompalli, U. Mukherji, "Scheduling for Stable and Reliable Communication Over Multiaccess Channels and Degraded Broadcast Channels", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60(3), pp. 1914-1931, Mar. 2014.
- V. Sharma, U. Mukherji, V. Joseph, and S. Gupta, "Optimal energy management policies for energy harvesting sensor nodes", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
, vol. 9(4), pp. 1326-1336, Apr. 2010.
- Rahul R., U. Mukherji, "Optimal rate control in a quasi-static wireless fading channel with throughput and power constraints", National Conference on Communications, IIT Hyderabad, 25, Feb. 2018.
- V. Siram, K. Varma, P. Barman, S. Yellisetty, P. Desiraju, S. Mandal, S.M. Vijayan, P. Chand, U. Mukherji, V. Sharma, "Routing and scheduling transient flows for QoS in multi-hop wireless networks", International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, IISc, Bangalore, 16, Jul. 2018.