Speaker: Dr. Priya J. Nadkarni, Mr. Praveen Jayakumar

Dr. Priya J. Nadkarni: Xanadu (independent contractor), IISc Bangalore
Mr. Praveen Jayakumar: Masters Student, IISc Bangalore

Talk Timings: 10 AM – 11:15 AM IST, September 4, 2021


Quantum computing and communication is the most awaited technology of this century. This technology would lead to exponentially faster algorithms, more accurate prediction of material properties, better drug designs, more secure ultra-high-speed communication, etc. Quantum computing and communication involve the processing and communication of quantum information. In this talk, we will provide an overview of the basics of quantum computing and communication helpful towards the rest of the workshop. We will begin our discussion with qubits, their state and operator representations, qubit gates, and the circuits built using them. We will further discuss physical phenomena such as entanglement and superposition that are unique to the quantum regime and are the reason behind the incredible power of quantum computers. We will also discuss the quantum phase and illustrate its importance through Grover’s algorithm. We will conclude the talk with a few well-known quantum algorithms that are more efficient than the known classical algorithms.


Dr. Priya J. Nadkarni:

Priya J. Nadkarni received her B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India, in 2014, and M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degrees in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, in 2021. She is currently working remotely with Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc., Toronto, Canada, as a quantum error correction researcher (independent contractor). In the past, she has worked in the RF team at NI R&D, Bengaluru, India. Her research work has been presented at 7 top-tier international conferences and has led to more than a dozen research manuscripts, out of which 8 are currently published in top-tier international journals. She has been a Visvesvaraya Ph.D. fellow during here Ph.D. Her research interests include quantum error correction codes, fault-tolerant quantum computation, quantum circuit architectures, quantum algorithms, and quantum communication. She has served as the Chair of IEEE-IISc ComSoc Student Chapter, the Corresponding Secretary of IEEE-IISc HKN Chapter, and the Secretary of IEEE-IISc Women in Science and Engineering Affinity Group. She received the ”Best Researcher Award – IISc” in the IEEE Bangalore Section Mission# 2020 Challenge. She also received the IEEE-IISc Outstanding Officer’s Award 2020. She is a member of IEEE HKN.

Mr. Praveen Jayakumar:

Praveen Jayakumar is currently a graduate physics student pursuing a masters degree at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. He is a KVPY scholar. His interests include quantum computing and quantum communications, and anything quantum computing with a mathematical motivation. With a research focus on quantum error correcting codes he completed his bachelor’s thesis with Prof. Shayan Garani as a member of PNSILab, DESE, IISc. Currently he works on variational methods with Prof. Autur izmaylov, UofT. He has participated and completed various related hackathons and challenges. He also blogs about quantum computing and makes quantum games.