E1 245 - Online Prediction and Learning - Survey Topics
(with some representative references, by no means exhaustive)
Sequence-dependent regret bounds in online learning
Second-order regret bounds in the full information setting Cesa-Bianchi-Mansour-Stoltz 2007
Regret based on variation in input sequence (full information setting): Hazan-Kale 2008, Steinhard-Liang 2014, etc.
Variation-based regret bounds for bandits: Hazan-Kale 2009
Combinatorial bandit problems
Universal Portfolios in finance:
How to efficiently implement Cover’s Univ. Portfolio alg: http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume3/kalai02a/kalai02a.pdf
A different and efficient Univ. Portfolio alg by Singer et al: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~mkearns/finread/helmbold98line.pdf
Much better regret bounds depending only on variation in market vectors: http://www.satyenkale.com/papers/var-exp-concave.pdf
Univ. Portfolios with trading costs: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~avrim/Papers/portfolio.ps.gz
Stochastic Linear Bandits
The ConfidenceBall algorithm paper by Dani et al
Rusmevichientong & Tsitsiklis linear bandit paper
The OFUL algorithm - state of the art for linear stochastic bandits
Adversarial Linear Bandits
Abernethy-Hazan-Rakhlin paper on using self-concordant barrier functions as regularizers to achieve optimal sqrt(T) regret in the bandit setting
Bandit problems with infinitely many/continuous arms ("X-armed" bandits)
Thompson Sampling for Complex Bandit settings
Dueling bandits (bandits with pairwise comparison feedback — useful in recommender systems and online ranking applications)
Original paper on dueling bandits
Recent paper on using UCB techniques to solve dueling bandits
Lower bound and optimal regret for dueling bandits, Komiyama et al 2015
(Projection-free) Online Convex Optimization using the Frank-Wolfe optimization algorithm
Thompson Sampling for the purely Bayesian setting
Contextual bandit algorithms
The Monster algorithm
Learning permutations/rankings sequentially given only comparisons
Selecting the best set of multiple arms in bandits
Bandits with side information
Adversarial rewards: Mannor-Shamir, improvements by Alon et al
Stochastic rewards: Caron et al, Buccapatnam et al
Partial monitoring problems (generalizes bandits, harder class of online learning problems)
Prediction, Learning and Games book, Chapter 6
Regret minimization/Online learning in Markov Decision Processes (stochastic multi-armed bandits with state)
Crowdsourcing and bandit problems
Clustered bandits — how to learn if two or more bandit problems appear similar and save effort
Bandits, auctions and mechanism design
Last updated: 29-Dec-2024, 15:36:28 IST