Government Funded

  1. J. C. Bose National Fellowhip (2nd Term), Dept of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi -- Ongoing

  2. J. C. Bose National Fellowhip (1st Term), Dept of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi -- Completed

  3. Frontiers of Communication control, Signal processing & Computation
    DRDO-IISc Program -- Completed

  4. Low-Complexity Large-Dimension Wireless Communication
    DRDO-IISc Program on Mathematical Engineering -- Completed

  5. Multiuser Detection in Advanced Wireless Communication Systems
    DRDO-IISc Program on Mathematical Engineering -- Completed

  6. Broadband Wireless Communications
    Swarnajayanti Fellowship, Dept of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi -- Completed

  7. Novel Strategies for Wireless Mobile Communication Networks
    Indo-French Research Collaboration Project -- Completed
    (Jointly with Prof. Anurag Kumar)

  8. Design of Secure CDMA Data Link for Airborne Communications
    DRDL, Hyderabad -- Completed
    (Jointly with Prof. Vijay Kumar)

  9. Energy Conscious Protocol Stack for Wireless Internet
    Dept of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi -- Completed
