Sudhan Majhi, Ph.D, NTU Singapore
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560012. INDIA
Contact: 080-2293-2657, Email: slastname@iisc.ac.in
CV is available at Click here
SUDHAN MAJHI received an M.Tech degree in computer science and data processing (CSDP) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India and a Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He has post-doctoral experience with the University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA, the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Rennes (IETR), France, and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He was an Assistant professor jointly with the Mathematics and Electrical Engineering department at IIT Patna. He was also an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Patna. Currently, he is an associate professor in Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is a fellow of Sir Visvesvaraya Young Faculty Research. He has received SERB-TETRA and SERB- STAR awards in 2022 and 2023, respectively. He was an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Journal, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters and Circuits, Systems and Signal processing (CSSP) – Springer. His research interest is signal processing for 6G wireless communications.
- Papers accepted in IEEE ISIT conference-2024:
- [1] Rajen Kumar, Prashant Kumar Srivastava, and Sudhan Majhi, "A New Construction of Optimal Symmetrical ZCCS," Accepted in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2024.
- [2] Piyush Priyanshu, Sudhan Majhi, and, Subhabrata Paul "Construction of Binary Odd Shift Complementary Pairs of All Lengths," Accepted in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2024.
- Abstract accepted in SETA conference-2024:
- [1] Rajen Kumar, Prashant Kumar Srivastava, and Sudhan Majhi, "Multiple Spectrally Null Constrained Complete Complementary Codes of Various Lengths Over Small Alphabet," Accepted in SETA, 2024.
- Prof. Sudhan Majhi selected for the best editor award of the year for IEEE WCL.
- SPWiCOM group received FRT award 2024 by Australian national university.
- SPWiCOM group received overseas visiting doctral fellowship 2024 by jointly SERB and Purdue university USA.
- I am looking for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong expertise in wireless communication.
- Dr. Sudhan Majhi Received SERB-Science and Technology Award for Research (SERB-STAR)-2023.
- Dr. Sudhan Majhi Received Technology Translation Award (SERB-TETRA)-2022.