E9-231 Homeworks


  • This page contains Homeworks and Assignments. Homeworks are graded, and are due 2 weeks after they are announced. Assignments are for you reading pleasure. They are not graded, and do not need to be turned in.
  • Homeworks will be in the form of problem sets that are given out periodically and also as isolated problems that occur during lectures.
  • You are encouraged to do the homeworks either in teams or on your own. Either is fine so long as you understand what’s going on.
  • Some homeworks will be in the form of Matlab programming assignments. You can complete them either using SERC’s computational resources (make sure you have a working account) or using your or your advisor’s computational resources.
  • All homeworks are due by the end of class on the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted.



  1. Homework 1: click here. (The pdf is from last year, but hw1 has not changed). (Announced: 07 Jan. 2015, due 21 Jan. 2015).
  2. Homework 2: click here. (Announced: 28 Jan. 2015, due 09 Feb. 2015).
  3. Homework 3: click here. (Announced: 18 Feb. 2015, due 02 Mar. 2015).
  4. Homework 4: click here. (Announced: 02 Mar. 2015, does not need to be turned in).
  5. Homework 5: click here. (Announced: 27 Mar. 2015, due 10 Apr. 2015). Code here.
  6. Homework 6: click here. (Announced: 19 Apr. 2015, due 30 Apr. 2015; answer any 10 questions).



  1. Assignment 1: Proof of uniqueness from Michael Wakin’s thesis (relevant pages here).
  2. Assignment 2: A neat introduction to compressive sensing, by Richard Baraniuk here.
  3. Assignment 3: On the Convergence of the Concave-Convex Procedure, by B. Sriperumbudur and G. Lanckriet, here.