
Biomedical signal processing, signal processing related to the brain and bioinformatics; signal processing for body area networks; for imaging, video, multimedia, augmented and virtual reality; for radar, sonar, geophysics, satellite imaging, satellite communication and other communication applications; signal processing related to large-scale and wide-spread sensing, to sensing for intelligent decision making, and mobility systems; DSP systems and architectures.: .

Broadband wireless access, low-power, wide-area networks for IoT, ultra-high-reliability and low-latency networks, 5G test beds, IoT systems networking, machine learning and artificial intelligence for communication networking; coding for communication and storage.: .

Algorithmic statistics, decentralised, distributed, and/or communication aspects of optimisation, learning and control at scale, inverse problems and high-dimensional statistics, network information theory, quantum information theory, information theory of learning, machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence..: .

Wave-material interactions at high frequencies; III-V technologies for RF chipsets, radio design for Mm-wave and THz bands, mixed-signal design; beyond 3 THz nonlaser wireless optics; antennas, radar applications; computational electromagnetics.: .

Photonic integrated circuits, applications to WDM networks, microwave photonics, micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems and sensors;solid state devices, quantum electronics, light-matter interactions and optoelectronics; nonlinear and quantum effects; quantum communication and quantum computing, including quantum information, coding, key distribution, sources and detectors, free-space, fibre-optic, and on-chip quantum systems..: .

Networked autonomous robotic systems including driverless cars, drones, robots; smart cities and artificial intelligence for social good, socio-technical and cyber-social system of systems; large-scale sensing, IoT networking, middleware platforms; biological and social networks.: .

Communication security, data security, computer and network security, block chain, digital transactions, digital currency, machine learning for security, cloud and distributed storage security, coding approaches to security, security of cyber-physical systems, post-quantum cryptography..: .


The applications are peer reviewed in the departments and reference letters are obtained. Candidates short-listed from this process are considered by selection committees of experts that meet 4 times a year (typically in March, June, September, and December), with offers to selected candidates being made shortly thereafter.

Candidates must prepare an application package as per instructions in this page and send it to The Registrar, Indian Institute of Science at the email address: registrar@iisc.ac.in and the Chairman at the email address: chair.ece@iisc.ac.in.

Prof. A. Chockalingam
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012
Ph: +91 080-2293-2854
Email: chair.ece@iisc.ac.in

Faculty Exchange:

IISc has a very active program of faculty exchange. Each year, faculty members and researchers from all over the world visit the campus for various lengths of time. Normally such visits are initiated by direct contact between the host in IISc and the visitor. Visiting Scientist and Visiting Professor appointments are also available.