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courses:sp20:e9-203:index [2020/01/02 04:12]
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 =====Logistics===== =====Logistics=====
 **Instructor:** Chandra R. Murthy (cmurthy at iisc dot ac dot in) \\ **Instructor:** Chandra R. Murthy (cmurthy at iisc dot ac dot in) \\
-**Class hours:** TuTh 11am-12.30pm, MP30\\+**Class hours:** MWF 8-9am, MP30. **Make-up classes:** S 1.30-2.30pm, also at MP30\\
 **TA**: Chandrasekhar S. (chandrasekhars at iisc)\\ **TA**: Chandrasekhar S. (chandrasekhars at iisc)\\
-**TA Hours**: TBD\\+**TA Hours**: Tue 5:30-6:30pm, Wed 11am-12pm and  Fri 12-1pm. Venue: SPW204.\\ 
 **Textbooks:** \\ **Textbooks:** \\

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