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spclab [2019/09/20 12:00]
spclab [Dept. of ECE, IISc]
spclab [2023/04/12 13:21] (current)
cmurthy [Dept. of ECE, IISc]
Line 4: Line 4:
 Group members: [[:People|here]]\\ Group members: [[:People|here]]\\
-Lab internal page: [[:Internal|here]] 
-{{spclab_overview.jpg?600|Some of the things we do}}\\ 
- +{{2023_lab_photo.jpg?600|}}\\
 In the picture above: \\ In the picture above: \\
-L to R: [[http://ece.iisc.ac.in/~cmurthy|Chandra]]Chandrasekhar S.Unnikrishnan N., Lekshmi Ramesh, Pradip SasmalSoumendu Ghosh, Sai ThootaChirag RameshAnubhab ChowdhuryDheeraj PrasannaSameera BharadwajaKanchan Verma\\+Bottom row, L to R: Abhishek AnandSouradeep GhoshChirag Ramesh, Niladri HalderAastha Vijay BalpandeRohit Kumar, Gadela Venkata Sai Mahesh\\ 
 +Top rowL to R: Chandra MurthyPrabhat KumarRupam Kalyan ChakrabortyKrishna PraveenYashvanth L., Anubhab Chowdhury\\
-Picture taken on: 31 Aug. 2019. \\+Picture taken March 2023. \\
-Pictures from our trip to Bettagere (Bharath Bettagere's home town) [[https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/112515287442767589903/albums/5774223154857725169|here]].\\ 
 Old pictures are [[:here|here]]. Old pictures are [[:here|here]].

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