E2 212: Matrix Theory: Homeworks


  • Homeworks will be in the form of problem sets that are given out periodically and also as isolated problems that occur during lectures.
  • You are allowed to discuss the homework problems with your colleagues. However, you must write out the solutions on your own. Please do not copy the solutions – this will result in both homeworks getting marked zero.
  • Some homeworks will be in the form of Matlab programming assignments. You can complete them either using SERC's computational resources (make sure you have a working account) or using your or your advisor's computational resources.

Problem Sets

  1. Homework 1: click here. (Assigned: 17 Aug 2011, Due: 02 Sep 2011) Post Grading Comments
  2. Homework 2: click here. (Assigned: 04 Sep 2011, Due: 16 Sep 2011). Solutions here.
  3. Homework 3: click here. (Assigned: 28 Sep 2011, Due: 07 Oct 2011). Solutions here.
  4. Homework 4: click here. (Assigned: 07 Oct 2011, Due: 21 Oct 2011). Solutions here.
  5. Homework 5: click here. (Assigned: 21 Oct 2011, Due: 04 Nov 2011). Solutions here.
  6. Homework 6: click here. (Assigned: 04 Nov 2011, Due: 11 Nov 2011). Solutions here.
  7. Homework 7: click here. (Assigned: 09 Nov 2011, Due: 21 Nov 2011). Solutions here.
  8. Homework 8: click here. (Assigned: 21 Nov 2011).

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