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spclab [2019/08/29 03:00]
spclab [2023/04/12 13:21] (current)
cmurthy [Dept. of ECE, IISc]
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 ======Signal Processing for Communications Lab====== ======Signal Processing for Communications Lab======
 =====Dept. of ECE, IISc===== =====Dept. of ECE, IISc=====
-As the name of the lab suggests, we are interested in the areas of digital signal processing, information theory, estimation theory, and their applications in the optimization of (mainly, wireless) communication systems. For recent publications, click [[http://www.ece.iisc.ac.in/~cmurthy/doku.php?id=publications|here]].+As the name of the lab suggests, we are interested in the areas of digital signal processing, information theory, estimation theory, and their applications in the optimization of (mainly, wireless) communication systems. For recent publications, click [[https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~cmurthy/doku.php?id=publications|here]].
-Group members: [[:People|here]]+Group members: [[:People|here]]\\
-{{spclab_overview.jpg?600|Some of the things we do}}\\ 
- +{{2023_lab_photo.jpg?600|}}\\
 In the picture above: \\ In the picture above: \\
-Top row, L to R: Sireesha MadabhushiSaurabh KhannaRibhuPrabhasa K.Ramu NaiduVaibhav BaranwalBalaprasad B.Ashok BandiMohanbabu K.Mohit SharmaArunkumar K. P., Geethu Joseph, +Bottom row, L to R: Abhishek AnandSouradeep GhoshChirag RameshNiladri HalderAastha Vijay BalpandeRohit KumarGadela Venkata Sai Mahesh\\ 
- Chethan Kumar, Lekshmi Ramesh, and [[http://ece.iisc.ac.in/~cmurthy|Chandra]].  \\+Top rowL to R: Chandra MurthyPrabhat Kumar, Rupam Kalyan ChakrabortyKrishna PraveenYashvanth L., Anubhab Chowdhury\\
 +Picture taken March 2023. \\
-Picture taken on: 16 Jul. 2016. \\ 
-Pictures from our trip to Bettagere (Bharath Bettagere's home town) [[https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/112515287442767589903/albums/5774223154857725169|here]].\\ 
 Old pictures are [[:here|here]]. Old pictures are [[:here|here]].

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