Welcome to iDARE Laboratory, ECE, IISc!

Some Glimpses of Our Activities

We aim to resolve problems on antennas, Radars and general electromagnetics (classical & quantum), relevant for the next generation information & communication Technology, health-care, security/defense and energy sector, by carrying out component, algorithm as well as system level research.
Our works involve analysis and design of antenna-arrays, associated circuitry and frequency selective surfaces (FSS) prototypes, and often transcend to advanced theoretical and computational algorithm development for electromagnetic modelling of these complex systems. We are also interested in developing experimental setups and testbeds essential to measure the real-time performance improvement achieved by our proposed design methodologies.
Learn More
- Debdeep Sarkar, FDTD Analysis of Guided Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Time Modulated Dielectric Medium, SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Springer Verlag, Singapore, 2022. (ISBN-13: 978-9811916298)
Book Chapters
- Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, Antennas for mm-wave MIMO RADAR: Design and Integration Challenges for Automotive Application, Handbook of Metrology and Application, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022, D. K. Aswal et al. (eds.), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1550-5_82-1.
Journal Articles
- Anand Kumar, Saikiran Kongari, Yugesh Chandrakapure and Debdeep Sarkar, "Multi-functional Metasurface as a Transmissive/ Reflective FSS and an On-Air Frequency Mixer," Scientific Reports (Nature), vol. 14, 13874, 2024. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-64306-y)
- Keerthipriya Sathish, Mayuri Sathyanarayana Rao and Debdeep Sarkar, "Antenna design for absolute sky measurements at Gigahertz frequencies - a first step towards detecting CMB spectral distortions from recombination," The Astronomical Journal (AJ), 2024. (doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/ad4a74)
- Debaprasad Barad, Jogesh Chandra Dash, Debdeep Sarkar and P. Srinivasulu, "Dual-band dual-polarized sub-6 GHz phased array antenna with suppressed higher order modes," Scientific Reports (Nature), vol. 14, 6139, 2024. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56218-8)
- Ananya Mukherjee and Debdeep Sarkar, "Compact MIMO Radar of Improved Angular Resolution using Interleaved Array Geometry," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 6158-6170, 2024 (doi: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3337800).
- Debdeep Sarkar and Yahia Antar, "Antenna Mutual Coupling in Near-field: Insights using EM Lagrangian Density and Complex Helicity," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 2670-2674, 2023 (doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2023.3298423).
- Malleboina Raju, Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, "Design of Anomalous Reflectors by Phase Gradient Unit Cell Based Digitally Coded Metasurface," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 2305-2309, 2023 (doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2023.3287031).
- Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, "A Co-Linearly Polarized Shared Radiator Based Full-Duplex Antenna with High Tx-Rx Isolation using Vias and Stub Loaded Resonator," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 2400-2404, 2023. (doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2023.3238710)
- Anand Kumar, Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, "Computational Techniques for Design and Analysis of Time-Varying Capacitor loaded Transmission Lines using FDTD and Simulink," IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, vol. 7, pp. 228-235, 2022. (doi: 10.1109/JMMCT.2022.3202990)
- Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, "A Co-Linearly Polarized Full-Duplex Antenna with Extremely High Tx-Rx Isolation," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), 2022. (doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2022.3194135)
- Debdeep Sarkar and Yahia Antar, "FDTD Computation of Space/Time Integrated Electromagnetic Lagrangian: New Insights into Design of Mutually Coupled Antennas," IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, vol. 7, pp. 16-22, 2022. (doi: 10.1109/JMMCT.2022.3151706)
- Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, "A Co-Linearly Polarized Shared Radiator Based Full-Duplex Antenna with High Tx-Rx Isolation using Vias and Stub Loaded Resonator," Provisional Application Filed for Indian Patent, 202341004006 (TEMP/E-1/4558/2023-CHE), Date of Filing: 20 Jan 2023.
- Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, "An Antenna for Vehicular Communication," Granted Indian Patent, Application No. 202241031523 (TEMP/E-1/35130/2022-CHE), Date of Filing: 01 June 2022.
- Jogesh Chandra Dash and Debdeep Sarkar, "Higher Order Mode Reduction in CSRR-Loaded Multi-Port MIMO Antenna", Granted Indian Patent, Application No. 202241011155 (TEMP/E-1/12780/2022-CHE), Date of Filing: 02 March 2022.
Articles in Magazine
- Debdeep Sarkar, "Engaging Young Minds to Research and Publishing: Takeaway Points From Recent Interactive Events [Young Professionals]," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 163-166, 2022.
- Debdeep Sarkar, "Antenna Learning and Research for Students and Young Professionals in the Post-COVID-19 Era [Young Professionals]," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 146-148, 2021.
Awards, Honors and Distinction
March 2024
Mr. Atli Lemma Gebretsadik (Ph.D. Student) won the Best Student Paper Award in WAMS 2024 (Wireless, Antennas and Microwave Symposium) for his paper entitled "A Three-Ray Path Loss Model with Polarization Effects for Indoor Single-Input Single-Output Millimeter-Wave Channel Modelling Applications".
February 2024
Mr. Anand Kumar (Ph.D. Student) received the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society Graduate Fellowship in this 2024 cycle. Up to 12 Fellowships in the amount of USD 6000 are granted by the IEEE MTT-S each year to assist students pursuing a graduate degree in microwave engineering.
December 2023
Dr. Debdeep Sarkar received the Outstanding Antennas/Microwave Technologist Award, 2023 from the IEEE AP/MTT Chapter, Bangalore Section, for spearheading impactful research on 6G technology and automotive MIMO Radars.
November 2023
Mr. Debaprasad Barad (M.Tech. ERP Student) won the first prize (PG Category) in the SYRES (Symposium of Research Scholars) 2023, jointly organized by IEEE AP-MTT Chapters of Hyderabad and Pune Section.
August-December 2023
Mr. Anand Kumar (Ph.D. Student) worked as a Short-Term Visiting Student at University College Cork, Ireland to carry out collaborative research mediated by Tyndall National Institute.
August 2023
Dr. Jogesh Chandra Dash (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow) got selected as one recipient of the URSI Young Scientist Award (YSA) to present the work entitled "Design of Series-Fed Antenna Array with Low SideLobe Level and Improved Azimuth Field-of-View for Automotive RADAR Application" in the URSI (International Union of Radio Sciences) General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, the Sapporo Convention Center, Japan, Date: 19 to 26 August 2023.
August 2023
Dr. Debarati Ganguly (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow) received funding through SERB ITS (International Travel Scheme) to present the work entitled "Four-port Antenna Configuration in n78 5G Band for Energy Harvesting in Agricultural Sensors" in the URSI (International Union of Radio Sciences) General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, the Sapporo Convention Center, Japan, Date: 19 to 26 August 2023.
July 2023
Mr. Anand Kumar (Ph.D. Student) has been selected as an awardee for the 2023 cycle of the IEEE AP-S (Antennas and Propagation Society) Fellowships Program. As the award value, Anand will receive APSF payment in one installment of USD 5000, to carry out the proposed research project on Space-Time Engineered Reflective and Transmissive Metasurfaces (July 31, 2023).
June 2023
Paper titled "Mushroom Unit Cell Loaded Triple Band Microstrip Antenna for Sub-6 GHz MIMO and Phased Array Application" authored by Debaprasad Barad (M. Tech. ERP Student), Jogesh Chandra Dash, Debdeep Sarkar and P. Srinivasulu received the IEEE WAMS (Wireless, Antennas and Microwave Symposium) Best Paper in Wireless Track (June 07-June 10, 2023).
October 2022
Mr. Anand Kumar (Ph.D. Student) has been selected for the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship, India (PMRF) from the Government of India.
October 2022
Dr. Jogesh Chandra Dash received the prestigious IOE (Institute of Eminence)-IISc Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
October 2022
Dr. Debdeep Sarkar received the prestigious IETE – Sri C Viswanatha Reddy Memorial Award, 2022 from the IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers), India for demonstrating a promising career path in the fields of electromagnetics, antennas and wireless communications.
September 2022
Dr. Jogesh Chandra Dash (Postdoctoral Research Associate, iDARE, ECE, IISc) has been selected for one of the ten Young Scientist Awardees (YSA) at the URSI-RCRS 2022, IIT Indore. He will be presenting a paper entitled "Antenna Array Ambiguity Function Based Study of Integration Effect on a 2D Automotive MIMO RADAR Antenna Placed Behind a Painted Bumper".
Jan 2022
Dr. Debdeep Sarkar got recognized as Outstanding Young Professional Volunteer, IEEE Bangalore section for the contributions in year 2021.

Courses Offered
August Term (2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024)
Course Name: Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Concepts and Applications (E8 304) -
January Term (2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024)
Course Name: Antenna Theory and Practice (E8 204)
Join us
Currently, we are looking for enthusiastic Masters, Ph.D. Students and Post-Doctoral Research Fellows to join the group.
We are actively looking for motivated PhD students and research associates (RAs) to join our group! Please visit here for details.
It is desired that the candidate has good background in one or more of the following topics:
Basic Electromagnetic theory, Transmission lines, Waveguides
Antennas and Microwave circuit design using well-known commercial solvers like HFSS/CST
Programming in MATLAB or equivalent platforms
Hands-on experience with PCB fabrication facilities, Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs), spectrum analyzers and anechoic chamber measurements will also be a big plus.
The details of PhD admission at IISc can be found here. All the interested candidates are requested to send an email with their updated CV to debdeep@iisc.ac.in to stay in the loop and discuss various possibilities.
Reach us at
Office: Room No MP 1.26, New Microelectronics Building, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, Karnataka, India