Best paper: 1570429217
Authors: Konda Reddy Mopuri, Vishal B Athreya and R. Venkatesh Babu
Presentation date and time: 17 July, 15:11
Venue: Hall B
Runner-up: 1570429390: Broad phoneme class specific neural network based speech enhancement
Authors: P Karjol and P K Ghosh
Presentation date and time: 18 July, 14:00
Venue: Hall A
Best paper: 1570420860: Age of information aware scheduling
Authors: P R Jhunjhunwala and S Moharir
Presentation date and time: 18 July, 09:00
Venue: JN Tata Auditorium
Runner-up: 1570427305: New finite blocklength converses for asymmetric multiple access channels via linear programming
Authors: S T Jose and A A Kulkarni
Presentation date and time:19 July, 09:20
Venue: JN Tata Auditorium