Parimal Parag

EC 2.17, ECE main building
Department of ECE
Indian Institute of Science
Bengaluru 560 012
Tel: +91 80 2293 2279
Fax: +91 80 2360 0563
Short Bio
Parimal Parag is currently an associate professor in department of electrical communication engineering at Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore. He is also the convenor of the centre for networked intelligence, a faculty participant at Robert Bosch centre for cyber-physical systems, and a member of the applied probability research group. He was working as senior systems engineer in R&D at ASSIA Inc. from October 2011 to November 2014. He received his B. Tech. and M. Tech. degrees from Indian Institute of Technology Madras in fall 2004; and the PhD degree from Texas A&M University in fall 2011. He was at Stanford University and Los Alamos National Laboratory, in autumn of 2010 and summer of 2007, respectively.
His research interests are in design, performance evaluation, and control of large distributed and networked intelligent systems applying mathematical tools from queueing theory, information theory, coding theory, and optimization methods. His previous work includes performance evaluation, monitoring, and control of large broadband communication systems and networks. His other research interests lie in the areas of applied probability, game theory, statistical signal processing, estimation & detection theory, and combinatorics.
- Dec 06, 2024: Conference article co-authored by Dheeraj Narasimha, Nomula Taraka Sada Siva Srinivas, and Srinivas Shakkottai accepted at IEEE INFOCOM 2025.
- Nov 08, 2024: Invited talk at IISc Bengaluru.
- Jul 16, 2024: Journal article co-authored by Moonmoon Mohanty, Gaurav Gautam, and Vaneet Aggarwal accepted at IEEE TNET 2024.
- Jun 24, 2024: Attending JTG summer school 2024.
- Jun 10, 2024: Attending CNI summer school 2024.
- Apr 17, 2024: Panelist at Erisson Developer Conference 2024.
- Apr 06, 2024: Registration open for CNI summer school 2024.
- Mar 13, 2024: Conference article co-authored by Aditya Priya, Rajiv Choudhury, Moonmoon Mohanty, Preetam Patil and others accepted at ACM e-Energy.
- Feb 13, 2024: Invited talk at NIT Surathkal.
- Feb 03, 2024: Panelist at ACM India Webinar on Sustainable Computing 2024.
- Jan 06, 2024: Panelist at COMSNETS 2024.
Jan 01, 2024: Teaching E2.338 Mean-Field Asymptotics and Applications in Spring 2024.
- Past news