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Dr.Chandra. R. MurthyI am a Professor in the department of Electrical Communication Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. My research interests are primarily in the areas of digital signal processing, information theory, estimation theory, and their applications in the optimization of wireless communication systems.

5G Testbed Laboratory, ECE Department, IISc


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Interesting Quotes

“I started with the purely tentative hypothesis that the person who signed the will was not Jeffrey Blackmore. I assumed this; and I may add that I did not believe it at the time, but merely adopted it as a proposition that was worth testing. I accordingly tested it, 'Yes?' Or 'No?' With each new fact; but as each new fact said 'Yes,' and no fact said definitely 'No,' it's probability increased rapidly by a sort of geometrical progression. The probabilities multiplied into one another. It is a perfectly sound method, for one knows that if a hypothesis is true, it will lead one, sooner or later, to a crucial fact by which its truth can be demonstrated.” R. Austin Freeman, "The Mystery of 31 New Inn".

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