Assistant Professor
Research Areas : Nonlinear Photonics, Low noise Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, Tunable and broadband fiber Lasers, Applications of Fiber lasers and amplifiers for Biomedical Imaging, Defense and Quantum Technologies
Educational History
- PhD: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 2015-2019
- M E: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 2012-2014)
- B Tech: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, 2008-2012
Courses offered
- Lasers: Principles
Course Code: E7 222; Credits: 3:0. Academic Session: August
- Fourier Optics
Course Code: E7 223; Credits: 3:0; Academic Session: January
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
Won the best Student paper award by SPIE Photonics West “Fiber Lasers” conference in Jan 2022.
Awarded Prestigious SPIE Photonics West “Fiber Lasers” conference, international travel grant for attending SPIE Photonics West 2019, Moscone Convention Centre, San Francisco, USA.
Awarded a prestigious IISc Alumni international travel grant for attending the prestigious CLEO 2018 Conference held at San Jose convention Centre San Jose, California, USA.
Accepted for post deadline oral presentation at prestigious “Advanced Solid-State Lasers (ASSL)” conference in Nov 2018
Won best Research poster award in Annual CeNSE student research symposium in Feb 2017.
Awarded M Visvesvaraya PhD fellowship, Meity India in December 2014.
1. V. R. Supradeepa, Balaswamy Velpula, S. Aparanji and S. Arun, “Device for tuning laser output,” Indian Patent Application Number: 201841016649 (2018).
Peer Reviewed Journals (SCI)
15. Rashmita Deheri, Sarthak Dash, V. R. Supradeepa, and V. Balaswamy, “Cascaded Raman fiber lasers with ultrahigh spectral purity,” Opt. Lett. 47, 3499-3502 (2022).
14. V. Balaswamy and V. R. Supradeepa, “Versatility of Stimulated Raman Scattering Based Power Combining of Multiple Fiber Lasers,” in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 34, no. 15, pp. 823-826, 1 Aug.1, 2022.
13. Vishal Choudhury, Santosh Aparanji, Roopa Prakash, V Balaswamy and V R Supradeepa, “Visible light flashes induced by pulsed stimulated Brillouin scattering in narrow-linewidth, high-power, near-IR fiber lasers”, J. Opt. 23 075501 (2021).
12. B. S. Vikram, R. Prakash, V. Balaswamy and V. R. Supradeepa, “Determination and Analysis of Line-Shape Induced Enhancement of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Noise Broadened, Narrow Linewidth, High Power Fiber Lasers,” in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-12, April 2021.
11. S. Arun, Vishal Choudhury, V. Balaswamy, and V. R. Supradeepa, “Octave-spanning, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation with record power using standard telecom fibers pumped with power-combined fiber lasers,” Opt. Lett. 45, 1172-1175 (2020).
10. Santosh Aparanji, Arun S, V Balaswamy, and V R Supradeepa, “Visible light generation in cladding of optical fibers carrying near-infrared continuous-wave lasers due to Cherenkov-phase matched harmonic conversion,” Opt. Lett. 45, 993-996 (2020).
9. V. Balaswamy, Siddharth Ramachandran, and V. R. Supradeepa, “High-power, cascaded random Raman fiber laser with near complete conversion over wide wavelength and power tuning,” Opt. Express 27, 9725-9732 (2019).
8. V. Balaswamy, S. Aparanji, G. Chayran and V. R. Supradeepa, “High-Power, Independently Wavelength, Power, and Linewidth Tunable Ytterbium Fiber Laser,” in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 583-586, 15 April 2019.
7. V. Balaswamy, Santosh Aparanji, S. Arun, Siddharth Ramachandran, and V. R. Supradeepa, “High-power, widely wavelength tunable, grating-free Raman fiber laser based on filtered feedback,” Opt. Lett. 44, 279-282 (2019).
6. V. Balaswamy, S. Arun, Santosh Aparanji, Vishal Choudhury, and V. R. Supradeepa, “High-power, fixed, and tunable wavelength, grating-free cascaded Raman fiber lasers,” Opt. Lett. 43, 1574-1577 (2018).
5. V. Balaswamy, S. Arun, G. Chayran, and V. R. Supradeepa, “All passive architecture for high efficiency cascaded Raman conversion,” Opt. Express 26, 3046-3053 (2018).
4. Santosh Aparanji, V. Balaswamy, S. Arun, and V. R. Supradeepa, “Simultaneous Raman based power combining and wavelength conversion of high-power fiber lasers,” Opt. Express 26, 4954-4960 (2018).
3. S. Arun, V. Balaswamy, G. Chayran and V. R. Supradeepa, “Resonant Pumping of High Power Fiber Lasers with Conventional Laser Diodes” OSA Continuum 1, 651-657 (2018).
2. S. Arun, Vishal Choudhury, V. Balaswamy, Roopa Prakash, and V. R. Supradeepa, “High power, high efficiency, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation using standard telecom fibers,” Opt. Express 26, 7979-7984 (2018).
1. S. Arun, Vishal Choudhury, V. Balaswamy, and V. R. Supradeepa, “Stability analysis of high power, octave spanning, continuous-wave supercontinuum sources based on cascaded Raman scattering in standard telecom fibers,” OSA Continuum 1, 1267-1276 (2018).
Peer Reviewed International Conference Proceedings
26. Rashmita Deheri, Sarthak Dash, V. R. Supradeepa, V. Balaswamy, “Cascaded Raman fiber lasers with very high spectral purity and low intensity noise,” SPIE Photonics west LASE, 2022 (Won Fiber Lasers Best Student Oral Paper Competition).
25. V. Balaswamy, Santosh Aparanji, V. R. Supradeepa, “Raman based power combining and wavelength conversion of multiple fiber lasers – Number scaling and limits on wavelength separation”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC (2019).
24. V. Balaswamy, B.S. Vikram, Piyush Raj, Harshitha M R, Divya Nair, V. R. Supradeepa, “Achieving high-power, ultra-high spectral purity cascaded Raman fiber lasers through low intensity-noise pump sources”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC (2019).
23. V. Balaswamy, Harshitha S, Siddharth Ramachandran and V. R. Supradeepa, “High power, ultra-high spectral purity, broadly wavelength tunable cascaded Raman fiber laser,” SPIE Photonics west LASE, Paper 10897-22, (2019).
22. V. Balaswamy, Roopa Prakash, Vishal Choudhury, Santosh Aparanji, B. S. Vikram and V. R. Supradeepa, “Experimental analysis of stimulated Brillouin enhancement in high power, line-broadened, narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers due to spectral overlap between the Brillouin gain spectrum and the signal back-scatter from the fiber termination,” SPIE Photonics west LASE, Paper 10902-51, (2019).
21. S. Arun, Vishal Choudhury, V. Balaswamy, and V. R. Supradeepa “Spectral and temporal stability of cascaded Raman based high power, octave spanning, continuous-wave, supercontinuum sources”, SPIE Photonics west LASE, Paper 10902-8 (2019).
20. Binodbihari Panda, Balaswamy Velpula, Piyush Raj, Monalisa Mallick and V. R. Supradeepa ” A simple technique for direct, high power laser beam profile measurement using thermal imagers ”, SPIE Photonics West LASE, Paper 10899-27, (2019).
19. Roopa Prakash, Balaswamy Velpula, Vishal Choudhury, Lakshmi C. G. and V. R. Supradeepa “Demonstration of input wavelength flexible cascaded Raman resonators based on the inclusion of a broadband distributed feedback reflector” SPIE Photonics West LASE, Paper 10902-48, (2019).
18. Vishal Choudhury, Santosh Aparanji, Roopa Prakash, Balaswamy Velpula and V. R. Supradeepa “Observation of visible light flashes in high power, near infrared, narrow-linewidth fiber lasers and its potential use as a visual monitor for stimulated Brillouin scattering,” SPIE Photonics west LASE, Paper 10903-19, (2019).
17. V Balaswamy, Siddharth Ramachandran and V R Supradeepa, “High power, widely tunable, cascaded Raman fiber laser with near complete wavelength conversion” Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL), ATu6.3, Boston, USA (2018) (Post Deadline Paper).
16. V Balaswamy, Santosh Aparanji, S Arun, Siddharth Ramachandran and V R Supradeepa, “High Power, Ultra-Widely Tunable Wavelength, Cascaded Raman Fiber Laser” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), SM1K.4, (2018).
15. V Balaswamy, S Arun, Santosh Aparanji and V. R. Supradeepa “High-power tunable grating-free cascaded Raman fiber lasers,” SPIE Photonics west OPTO, Paper 10528-43, (2018).
14. Santosh Aparanji, V. Balaswamy, S. Arun and V.R. Supradeepa, “Harmonic Generation in Cascaded Raman Fiber Lasers,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), JTu2A.70, (2018).
13. S Arun, Vishal Choudhury, V Balaswamy and V R Supradeepa, “Power Combined, Octave-spanning, CW Supercontinuum using Standard Telecom Fiber with Output Power of 70W” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), SM1K.5, (2018).
12. Santosh Aparanji, V. Balaswamy, S. Arun and V.R. Supradeepa “Observation of a rainbow of visible colors in a near infrared cascaded Raman fiber laser and its novel application as a diagnostic tool for length resolved spectral analysis,” SPIE Photonics west LASE, Paper 10516-21, (2018).
11. Santosh Aparanji, V. Balaswamy, S. Arun and V.R. Supradeepa, “Raman based power combining and wavelength conversion of high power ytterbium fiber lasers” SPIE Photonics west LASE, Paper 10512-65, (2018).
10. S Arun, Vishal Choudhury, V Balaswamy and V R Supradeepa, “High Power, High Efficiency, Continuous-Wave Supercontinuum Generation using Standard Telecom Fibers” SPIE Photonics west LASE, Paper 10512-67, (2018).
9. Santosh Aparanji, V Balaswamy, S Arun and V R Supradeepa, “Simultaneous Power Combining and Wavelength Conversion of High Power Fiber Lasers” Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL), ATu3A. 4, Nagoya, Japan (2017).
8. S Arun, Vishal Choudhury, V Balaswamy and V R Supradeepa, “High Power, High Efficiency, Continuous-Wave Supercontinuum Generation using Standard Telecom Fibers” Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL), JM5A.31, Nagoya, Japan (2017).
7. S Arun, V Balaswamy, S Aparanji and V R Supradeepa, “High Power, Grating-Free, Cascaded Raman Fiber Lasers” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO) Europe, CJ-2.4, (2017).
6. Santosh Aparanji, V. Balaswamy and V. R. Supradeepa, “On the stability of Raman Fiber Lasers” International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Th3A.20 (2016).
5. V. Balaswamy, S. Arun, G. Chayran and V. R. Supradeepa, “All Passive, High Efficiency Cascaded Raman Fiber Lasers” International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Tu3E.3 (2016).
4. V. Balaswamy, Santosh Aparanji, G. Chayran and V. R. Supradeepa, “Tunable wavelength, Tunable linewidth, high power Ytterbium doped fiber laser” International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Tu3E.4 (2016).
3. V. Balaswamy, S. Arun, G. Chayran and V. R. Supradeepa, “A simplified architecture for high efficiency cascaded Raman fiber lasers” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), SM2.Q5, (2016).
2. S. Arun, V. Balaswamy, G. Chayran, V. R. Supradeepa, “A diode drive mechanism for always resonant pumping with laser diodes without wavelength locking” SPIE Photonics west, Paper 9728-1S, (2016).
1. V. Balaswamy and V. R. Supradeepa, “Effect of intensity noise on stimulated Raman scattering in high power fiber lasers and amplifiers,” 2015 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), Bangalore, 2015, pp. 1-4 (2015).