Principal Research Scientist

Email : mail me
Telephone : 22932743, 32743
Webpage : click here

Research Areas : Photonics and optical communications

Educational History

PhD (IISc)

Courses offered

Fiber Optics Communications

Awards / Honours / Affiliations

ACS member, OSI member


  • Shivaleela E S, Talabattula Srinivas Construction of Wavelength/Time Codes for Fiber-Optic CDMA Networks, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, October 2007, 13(5):1370 – 1377
  • Shivaleela E S, A Selvarajan, Talabattula Srinivas Two-dimensional optical orthogonal codes for fiber-optic CDMA networks March 2005 Journal of Lightwave Technology 23(2):647- 654 DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2004.839974
  • Shivaleela E S, Shreya Jaiswal, Shweta Katti Design of an Optical Orbital Angular Momentum Sorter, Springer book: Emerging Trends in Photonics, Signal Processing and Communication Engineering, April 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3477-5_29
  • Shivaleela E S, Kumar Sivarajan, A. Selvarajan Design of a new family of two-dimensional codes for fiber-optic CDMA networks May 1998, Journal of Lightwave Technology 16(4):501 – 508 DOI: 10.1109/50.664055
  • Bhawani Shankar Leelar, Shivaleela E S, Talabattula Srinivas Learning with Deep Photonic Neural Networks, Conference: 2017 IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP). DOI: 10.1109/WRAP.2017.8468594