To mark the 75th anniversary of the formation of the department we have organized a series of vents during the past year.  These end with two symposia during ECE75 week (July 11-15, 2022): the very first edition of SPEED (Symposium on Photonics, Electromagnetics, Electronics and Circuits) and the Fourteenth edition of SPCOM 2022 (Signal Processing and Communications).  Kindly see the respective websites for updated programs of these events. 

We thank all alumni who have participated at the very special Alumni Meet held at 3PM on Tuesday, July 12, 2022. As explained at the meeting and earlier, we have launched several projects to seek donations from alumni.  If you have already made a donation, kindly let us know your preferred projects as listed below using this Donation Information form.  

Details about ECE75 Projects for Donations



A.1. Professor of Practice

Seed fund to recruit a professional engineer as a Professor of Practice to strengthen translational research & development in the department

B.1. PhD Students Fellowships: INR 63,00,000 (15,00,000/year/student)

B.2. PhD Students Fellowships: INR 42,00,000 (10,00,000/student/year)

B.3. M.Tech. Students Fellowships: INR 42,00,000 (2,00,000/student)

B.4. International travel support: INR 21,00,000 (1,00,000/student)




C.1. Visiting Chair Professorship: INR 210,00,000

C.2. Incoming Young Faculty Fellowship: INR 210,00,000

C.3. Chair Professorship: INR 420,00,000

DONATE for ECE75 Projects

Inform us details about your DONATION and yourself.

When you press DONATE, you will be redirected to the IISc Office of Development of Alumni Affairs portal for payment.  Kindly share projects you wish to support using the REGISTRATION form even if you do not wish to participate at the event.

Those making donations above Rs.100,000 will be suitably recognized.  Naming wishes of donors will be sought if any of these project is entirely covered by a person/group.

The above list of projects is only indicative.  Department may be happy to execute other fully funded initiatives by alumni/groups. Kindly contact the Chair to discuss such proposals. 


Future of ECE

Excellence in Research Leadership

Excellence in Experimental and Theoretical Research in Areas Relevant for ECE

Establish System Building and Translational Activities by Hiring Professor of Practice

Attract India’s Best Student Pool by Providing Top class Research Facilities and Attractive Fellowships

Extend Collaboration with Local and Global Industries for Large scale Projects and Programs

Engage with Government to develop new Policies and Solve Societal Challenges

ECE Alumni Paving the Way

Since 1947 ECE has been proudly catapulting careers around the world

Top Industry and Government Positions

Faculty Members at World’s Leading Academic Institutions 

Leadership in Start-up Ecosystem in India and Abroad

Recognized as Distinguished IISc Alumni 

Why Donate for ECE75

Making a Difference for YOUR Alma mater

Empower Future Research

Enable Societal Impact

Honor Notable Alumni

Get a Mention on the Honor roll

DONATE for ECE75 Projects and share details about yourself and your  DONATION

When you press DONATE, you will be redirected to the IISc Office of Development of Alumni Affairs portal for payment.  Kindly share projects you wish to support using the REGISTRATION form even if you do not wish to participate at the event.