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Research Areas : Signal Processing Theory and Applications, Wireless Communication Systems
Educational History
PhD: in Systems Science, University of California San Diego, 1990
MTech: in Radar and Communication Engineering, IIT Delhi (1985)
BE: in ECE, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 1983
Courses offered
MIMO Signal Processing, Adaptive Signal Processing
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
Fellow, IEEE Fellow, INAE Fellow, INSA
- Peter Joseph Basil Morris and K.V.S Hari, “Detection and Localisation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) using Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Automotive RADAR Sensors,” IEEE Sensors Letters, Year: 2021, Early Access Article, DOI 10.1109/LSENS.2021.3085087
- Shubham Sharma, Mario Coutino, Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri, Geert Leus, K V S Hari, “Towards a general framework for fast and feasible k-space trajectories for MRI based on projection methods, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (72), pp. 122-134, Oct 2020. (First author is a student and co-authors are collaborators)
- Aakash Agrawal, KVS Hari, SP Arun, “A compositional neural code in high-level visual cortex can explain jumbled word reading,” Elife, (9), pp. e54846, May 2020. (First author is a student and third author is a collaborator)
- A Agrawal, KVS Hari, SP Arun, “Reading Increases the Compositionality of Visual Word Representations,” Psychological Science, Nov 2019. (First author is a student and third author is a collaborator)
- Rakshith Rajashekar, M Di Renzo, Lie-Lang Yang, K.V.S. Hari, Lajos Hanzo, “A Finite Input Alphabet Perspective on the Rate-Energy Tradeoff in SWIPT Over Parallel Gaussian Channels,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37 (1), pp. 48-60, Jan 2019.(First author was a former student and co-authors are collaborators)