Numerics of Integrated Circuits and Electromagnetics (NICE) Laboratory
Numerics of Integrated Circuits and Electromagnetics (NICE) laboratory focuses on numerical formulation and algorithm development towards capturing the physics of circuit and electromagnetic effects. Consolidating our analysis framework, we venture into the world of automated design and synthesis of chip-package-systems under the umbrella of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) or Computer-Aided Design (CAD). We like high-speed communication channels, power-ground networks, through-silicon-vias, antennas to name a few. We think RF imaging is a powerful underutilized sensor. We are into cloud and mobile computing. We agree – the concept of “compute-power for all” aided by the cloud and “accessed-from-anywhere” aided by the mobile personal device is awesome! Our motto is to “BE NICE”.
Research activities in this lab are guided by Dr. Dipanjan Gope.