Degree Programmes

Department of Electrical Communication Engineering

Thank you for your interest to explore admission to the Department.

The links below give information the programmes for prospective students, including eligbility criteria, selection procedure, and application process for Indian nationals. Applicants from abroad can find more details on eligibility and the application process in the Institute’s International Relations webpage.

Course Programmes


Research Programmes

MTech (Research) Programmes

PhD Programmes

Resources for MTech (Res) and PhD Programmes

General Information for Research Admission Interviews

General Information for MTech ECE students


The admission process (for all our programs) typically starts in February each year. Mid-year admissions for PhD program starts in October/November. Please see the IISc’s admissions website.

The department also participates in Interdisciplinary Ph.D programmes with the Centre for Bio Systems Science and Engineering (BSSE), Brain Computation and Data Science , and the IISc Mathematics Initiative (IMI).

Please write to if you have any other questions.