The video file size should not exceed 100 MB for contributed papers and 200 MB for invited papers/talks.
The duration of the video must not exceed 20 minutes for contributed papers and 30 minutes for invited papers/talk.
Accepted video file format: mp4. Other formats will not be accepted.
Required dimensions: minimum height of 480 pixels and aspect ratio: 16:9
Here is a recommendation from IEEE TV for recording presentations:
Step 1: Authors must complete their author registration and camera-ready paper upload (by June 10, 2020). Invited speakers must complete their complimentary registration by June 10, 2020. In case invited speakers have accepted papers, the camera-ready paper must be uploaded by June 10, 2020.
Step 2: Keep your final abstract, paper ID from CMT, Booking ID (available in the registration confirmation email), and video handy. Fill out the following Google Form and upload a video
Once you upload your video and submit the form, you will receive an acknowledgment and a copy of your responses by email. You could use that to edit your Google Form. In case you are unable to edit your submission, simply fill out and submit a new form and upload the video again. The most recent submission is the one that we will use on the Virtual Platform.